Materiale per gruppi di studio
Current Understanding of Cytomegalovirus Reactivation in Critical Illness.pdf
Cytomegalovirus Latency and Reactivation An Intricate Interplay With the Host Immune Response.pdf
HCMV Antivirals and Strategies to Target the Latent Reservoir.pdf
Hematopoietic stem cells and betaherpesvirus latency.pdf
Human Cytomegalovirus Latency and Reactivation in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients.pdf
Pathogenesis of human cytomegalovirus in the immunocompromised host.pdf
Cellular host factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection.pdf
Coronavirus biology and replication- implications for SARS-CoV-2.pdf
Pattern Recognition Proteins First Line of Defense Against Coronaviruses.pdf
Structures and functions of coronavirus replication–transcription complexes and their relevance for SARS-CoV-2 drug design.pdf
The evidence remains clear SARS-CoV-2 emerged via the wildlife trade.pdf
The origins of SARS-CoV-2- A critical review.pdf
Type I and Type III Interferons – Induction, Signaling, Evasion, and Application to Combat COVID-19.pdf
Ebola A review and focus on neurologic manifestations.pdf
Ebola virus disease.pdf
Ebola virus disrupts the inner blood-retinal barrier by induction of vascular endothelial growth factor in pericytes.pdf
Ebola Virus Entry From Molecular Characterization to Drug Discovery.pdf
Ebola Virus Transmission Initiated by Relapse of Systemic Ebola Virus Disease.pdf
Ebola Virus- Pathogenesis and Countermeasure Development.pdf
Peripheral Neuronopathy Associated With Ebola Virus Infection in Rhesus Macaques- A Possible Cause of Neurological Signs and Symptoms in Human Ebola Patients.pdf
Persistence of Ebola virus in semen among Ebola virus disease survivors in Sierra Leone A cohort study of frequency, duration, and risk factors.pdf
Pseudovirus rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP Infects Neurons in Retina and CNS, Causing Apoptosis and Neurodegeneration in Neonatal Mice.pdf
Structural and Functional Aspects of Ebola Virus Proteins.pdf
Epigenetic lifestyle of Epstein-Barr virus.pdf
Epstein-Barr virus and multiple sclerosis.pdf
Epstein-Barr virus Current questions and challenges Elsevier Enhanced Reader.pdf
Epstein-Barr Virus How Its Lytic Phase Contributes to Oncogenesis.pdf
Latency and lytic replication in Epstein–Barr virus-associated oncogenesis.pdf
Oncogenic Properties of the EBV ZEBRA Protein.pdf
Viral-Targeted Strategies Against EBV-Associated Lymphoproliferative Diseases.pdf
Endogenous retroviruses
Do Human Endogenous Retroviruses Contribute to Multiple Sclerosis, and if So, How?.pdf
Endogenous retroviral promoter exaptation in human cancer..pdf
Endogenous Retroviruses- With Us and against Us.pdf
How human endogenous retroviruses interact with the microbiota in health and disease.pdf
Human endogenous retrovirus K HML 2 a comprehensive review.pdf
Human Endogenous Retroviruses and Their Putative Role in the Development of Autoimmune Disorders Such as Multiple Sclerosis.pdf
Human Endogenous Retroviruses Are Ancient Acquired Elements Still Shaping Innate Immune Responses.pdf
Human endogenous retroviruses friend or foe.pdf
Long Terminal Repeats From Parasitic Elements to Building Blocks of the Transcriptional Regulatory Repertoire.pdf
m 6 A RNA methylation regulates the fate of endogenous retroviruses.pdf
Neural Cell Responses Upon Exposure to Human Endogenous Retroviruses.pdf
Origins and evolutionary consequences of ancient endogenous retroviruses.pdf
Silencing and Transcriptional Regulation of Endogenous Retroviruses An Overview.pdf
Transactivation of human endogenous retroviruses by tumor viruses and their functions in virus-associated malignancies.pdf
Type W Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV-W) Integrations and Their Mobilization by L1 Machinery Contribution to the Human Transcriptome and Impact on the Host Physiopathology.pdf
Epatiti virali
Alternative splicing of viral transcripts- the dark side of HBV.pdf
Early Steps of Hepatitis B Life Cycle From Capsid Nuclear Import to cccDNA Formation.pdf
HBV cccDNA- viral persistence reservoir and key obstacle for a cure of chronic hepatitis B.pdf
HBV DNA Integration Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Implications..pdf
Mechanism of Hepatitis B Virus cccDNA Formation.pdf
Molecular biology of hepatitis B virus infection.pdf
The role of HBV cccDNA in occult hepatitis B virus infection.pdf
Rewiring Host Signaling- Hepatitis C Virus in Liver Pathogenesis.pdf
Strategies to Circumvent Host Innate Immune Response by Hepatitis C Virus.pdf
The history of hepatitis C virus (HCV) Basic research reveals unique features in phylogeny, evolution and the viral life cycle with new perspectives for epidemic control Elsevier Enhanced Reader.pdf
Therapy Implications of Hepatitis C Virus Genetic Diversity.pdf
Curing HIV Seeking to Target and Clear Persistent Infection.pdf
HIV-1 Latency and Viral Reservoirs Existing Reversal Approaches and Potential Technologies, Targets, and Pathways Involved in HIV Latency Studies.pdf
Targeting and Understanding HIV Latency The CRISPR System against the Provirus.pdf
The Biology of the HIV-1 Latent Reservoir and Implications for Cure Strategies Elsevier Enhanced Reader.pdf
So Pathogenic or So What?—A Brief Overview of SIV Pathogenesis with an Emphasis on Cure Research.pdf
Effects of β-HPV on DNA damage response pathways to drive carcinogenesis- a review.pdf
Epigenetic and Transcriptomic Regulation Landscape in HPV+ Cancers- Biological and Clinical Implications.pdf
Human papillomaviruses diversity, infection and host interactions.pdf
Integration of Human Papillomavirus Genomes in Head and Neck Cancer- Is It Time to Consider a Paradigm Shift?.pdf
Keratinocyte Differentiation-Dependent Human Papillomavirus Gene Regulation.pdf
Opportunities and challenges for human papillomavirus vaccination in cancer.pdf
Persistent Human Papillomavirus Infection.pdf
The human papillomavirus oncoproteins- a review of the host pathways targeted on the road to transformation.pdf
The molecular landscape of head and neck cancer.pdf
Why Human Papillomaviruses Activate the DNA Damage Response (DDR) and How Cellular and Viral Replication Persists in the Presence of DDR Signaling.pdf
Influenza virus
Airborne Transmission of Avian Origin H9N2 Influenza A Viruses in Mammals.pdf
Back to the Future- Lessons Learned From the 1918 Influenza Pandemic.pdf
Bat-Borne Influenza A Viruses An Awakening.pdf
Host and viral determinants of influenza A virus species specificity.pdf
Influenza A Viruses- Understanding Human Host Determinants.pdf
Packaging signal of influenza A virus.pdf
Roles of the Non-Structural Proteins of Influenza A Virus.pdf
Selective Genome Packaging Mechanisms of Influenza A Viruses.pdf
The evolution of seasonal influenza viruses.pdf
The Influenza A Virus Replication Cycle- A Comprehensive Review.pdf
Phage therapy
Vettori retro-lentivirali
Bat-borne virus diversity, spillover and emergence.pdf
Diversity and evolution of the animal virome 2022.pdf
Evolution of pathogen tolerance and emerging infections A missing experimental paradigm.pdf
Pandemic origins and a One Health approach to preparedness and prevention Solutions based on SARS-CoV-2 and other RNA viruses.pdf
Studying immunity to zoonotic diseases.pdf
Urbanization and geographic expansion of zoonotic arbovirus.pdf
Viruses That Can and Cannot Coexist With Humans and the Future of SARS-CoV-2.pdf
Autophagy during viral infection — a double-edged sword.pdf
Cumulative Roles for Epstein-Barr Virus, Human Endogenous Retroviruses, and Human Herpes Virus-6 in Driving an Inflammatory Cascade Underlying MS Pathogenesis.pdf
Defective viral genomes are key drivers of the virus–host interaction.pdf
Molecular mechanisms of viral oncogenesis in humans.pdf
Neuroinflammation in neurodegeneration via microbial infections.pdf
Structural insights into RNA polymerases of negative-sense RNA viruses.pdf
Utilization of Viral Vector Vaccines in Preparing for Future Pandemics.pdf