Materiale Didattico
- Esercitazioni
- 3-D QSAR
- Chimera_Chemaxon
- Molecular Docking
- 15.Lez_2019-10-25.QSAR-PLS.pdf
- 2011.Online chemical modeling environment (OCHEM). web platform for data storage, model development and publishing of chemical information.pdf
- 2018.acs.jmedchem.7b01342.Structure-Based Design of 6-Chloro-4-aminoquinazoline-2-carboxamide Derivatives as Potent and Selective PAK4 Inhibitors.pdf
- jm7b01342_si_002.csv
- jm7b01342_si_002.xls
- OCHEM_links.txt
- OCHEM.mp4
- OCHEM.PresentationAtChemAxonUserGroupMeeting.2011.mp4
- Lezioni_2018-2019
- MaterialeBibliografico
- 1970.The assumptions of the linear regression model.pdf
- 1979.Chance factors in studies of quantitative structure-activity relationships.pdf
- 1984.The Collinearity Problem in Linear Regression. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) Approach to Generalized Inverses.pdf
- 1985.A computational procedure for determining energetically favorable binding sites on biologically important macromolecules.pdf
- 1988.Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA). 1. Effect of shape on binding of steroids to carrier proteins.pdf
- 1988.SMILES, a chemical language and information system. 1. Introduction to methodology and encoding rules.pdf
- 2002.Beware of q2.pdf
- 2007.Principles of QSAR models validation. internal and external.pdf
- 2008.Virtual Screening. A Fast Tool for Drug Design.pdf
- 00ab.Lipinsky_RuleOfFive.pdf
- 00ac.Lipinsky_RuleOfFive.pdf
- 00ad.Lipinsky_RuleOfFive.pdf
- 00ae.Veber.pdf
- 00af.PSA.pdf
- 00ag.PSA.pdf
- 00ah.RuleOfThree.pdf
- 04.Intro-LBDD-3D_QSAR.20171023.1.pdf
- 05.Intro-LBDD-3D_QSAR.20171025.2.pdf
- 06.Pharmacophore_Approaches.pdf
- 06.QSAR.20171030.pdf
- 08.MolecularAlignment.20171113.pdf
- 09.QSAR.20171113.pdf
- 10.SBDD_Overview.20171122.pdf
- 11.MolecularDocking.20171128.pdf
- Lezioni_2019-2020
- 01.Lez_2019-10-07.SMILES.pdf
- 02.Intro-LBDD-3D_QSAR.1.pdf
- 03.Intro-LBDD-3D_QSAR.2.pdf
- 04.Lez_2019-11-04.QSAR.PracticalSession
- 05.Lez_2019-11-05.3-D_QSAR.LiveDemonstration
- 06.Lez_2019-11-18.3-D_QSAR.PracticalSession
- 07.Lez_2019-11-19.Farmacoforo.DimostrazioneConLigandScout.pdf
- 08.Lez_2019-11-25.FarmacoforoConLigandScoutInPratica
- 09.Lez_2019-10-26.QSAR-PLS.pdf
- 10.Lez_2019-12-02.Molecular Similarity.pdf
- 11.SBDD_Docking.20191203.pdf
- 12.Lez_2019-12-09.DockingMolecolareInPratica
- Lezioni_2020-2021
- 01.SMILES.20201008.pdf
- 02.Intro-LBDD-3D_QSAR.20201015.pdf
- 03.Intro-LBDD-3D_QSAR.20201022.pdf
- 04.3-D_QSAR_AnalisiConformazionale.PracticalSession.20201029.txt
- 05.QSAR.PracticalSession.20201105.txt
- 06.3-D_QSAR.LiveDemonstration.20201112.txt
- 07.Farmacoforo.DimostrazioneConLigandScout.20201119.pdf
- 07.Lez_20201119.Pharmacophore_Approaches.pdf
- 08.QSAR-PLS.20201126.pdf
- 09.MolecularSimilarity.20201203.pdf
- 10.DockingValidation.20201210.pdf
- 10.SBDD_Docking.20201210.pdf
- 10.SBDD_Overview.20201210.pdf
- 11.DockingMolecolareInPratica3DQSAR.20201215.txt
- 12.DockingMolecolareInPraticaCOMBINE.20201217.txt
- PDF.ArticoliSupporto
- 00ab.Lipinsky_RuleOfFive.pdf
- 00ac.Lipinsky_RuleOfFive.pdf
- 00ad.Lipinsky_RuleOfFive.pdf
- 00ae.Veber.pdf
- 00af.PSA.pdf
- 00ag.PSA.pdf
- 00ah.RuleOfThree.pdf
- 1970.The assumptions of the linear regression model.pdf
- 1979.Chance factors in studies of quantitative structure-activity relationships.pdf
- 1984.The Collinearity Problem in Linear Regression. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) Approach to Generalized Inverses.pdf
- 1985.A computational procedure for determining energetically favorable binding sites on biologically important macromolecules.pdf
- 1988.Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA). 1. Effect of shape on binding of steroids to carrier proteins.pdf
- 1988.SMILES, a chemical language and information system. 1. Introduction to methodology and encoding rules.pdf
- 2002.Beware of q2.pdf
- 2007.Principles of QSAR models validation. internal and external.pdf
- 2008.Virtual Screening. A Fast Tool for Drug Design.pdf