مخطط الموضوع
3 Credits (ECTS), Spring Semester,
Teacher: Alberto Pretto (pretto@diag.uniroma1.it)This seminar series includes one main section ("Computer Vision for Intelligent Robotics"), a 3/4-lectures workshops ("Social Robotics"), and other one-day events announced during the course, see above for a description of each part of the course. Classes start March 6th. Class attendance is mandatory.
Lectures Schedule
Lessons will usually be held weekly:
- Tuesday h. 16-19 room A7
Lectures ScheduleEvaluation
To pass the exam students should:
- Attend most of the lectures of the course, including workshops and talks (up to two absences are tolerated)
Check the Attendance Sheet ! - For the "Computer Vision for Intelligent Robotics" section (see details in the related section in this page):
(a) Present 1 paper
(b) Prepare and present a poster about a paper - For the "Social Robotics" workshop (see details in the related section in this page):
(a) Prepare a report about the presented topics
Teacher: Alberto Pretto, office B115
Start Date: March. 6
Brief course description: In this seminar series we will cover different sub-areas of robot vision. Topics addressed in the seminars include low-level vision, 3D reconstruction from images, vision based ego-motion estimation, visual servoing, object detection and localization, and semantic scene segmentation. The objective of the seminars is to provide an overview of the recent trend in each covered topic.
The first lectures will include a brief introduction by the teacher about the research area, with a (non comprehensive) overview of the the state-of-the-art and the current trends. In the remaining lectures, four or five research papers for each lecture will be presented and discussed by the students. At the end of the lectures, it will be held a poster session where each student will present a paper through a poster, interacting with the audience about the paper contributions, methods, etc…
In the presentation of the paper, students should cover:
- Aims and objective of the paper
- Some related work
- The main contributions of the paper
- Methods
- Presented experiments
- ...
Some questions will be asked by the teacher and possibly by the students during the presentation. The presentation slides should be sent in advance, at least two days before the presentation.
Papers are assigned on a first come first serve basis. The papers list will be published in the course Moodle page after the introductory lectures. You can only pick one paper of the ones still remaining.
Speaker: Guglielmo Gemignani Room: Aula magna Date: 19/03/2018 h. 16:00
Description: Developing robots able to carry out tedious jobs is one of the goals that our society has been long envisioned to achieve. Sharing this vision, in the past few years Magazino GmbH has developed Toru, a fully autonomous robot able to successfully fulfill real world logistic tasks alongside humans. In this seminar we will present the problems faced by Toru and discuss how, through the exploitation of the Behavior Tree formalism, such a goal could be achieved.
Teacher: Dr. Mary Ellen Foster, School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow.
Dates: April. 24 - May 15
Brief course description: When humans engage in face-to-face conversation, they use their voices, faces, and bodies together in a rich, multimodal, continuous, interactive process. For a robot to participate fully in this sort of natural, face-to-face conversation in the real world, it must also be able not only to understand the multimodal communicative signals of its human partners, but also to produce understandable, appropriate, and natural communicative signals in response. In this module, we will discuss the current state of the art in social robotics, and what the main challenges are in developing this sort of technology. We will also discuss the societal implications of developing this sort of technology: not the fictional, hype-based issues currently seen in the media, but the actual societal changes that are currently under increased discussion in the research community.
To finalize the Social Robotics section, you should prepare a 3-pages report (ONLY IN PDF FORMAT) on a paper chosen from the proceedings of:
HRI 2018 http://humanrobotinteraction.org/2018/proceedings/
ICSR 2017 https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319700212
IEEE RO-MAN 2017 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=8116593(Please download the papers from the DIAG network, otherwise you may not be able to access them).
The report, along with the DOI or the URL of the selected paper, should should provide:
- Summary of problem addressed and solution;
- Discussion on your opinion of the positive and negative points of the paper.Submit your Social Robotics report using the following link:
Social Robotics Assignment Submission
Report Deadline: Friday June 22 2018