مخطط الموضوع
Course timetable (or: I'll be there waiting for you):
Monday 1-3PM, room 109
Wednesday 1-3PM, Aula Magna
Lessons will start on 8 March 2021. According to the University guidelines and the weekly alternation of your ID final numbers (Group 1: 00-49, Group 2: 50-99), lessons can be attended either in class or remotely (https://www.uniroma1.it/it/notizia/covid-19-fase-3-lezioni-esami-e-lauree-presenza-e-distanza).
This year's mock exam is available also on exam.net (for those of you who will take the online exam) by entering the exam key bxpVQx
Have a go!
In this section you can book your group oral exam for the following dates: 10, 12, 17, 19, 24 or 26 May 2021.
Please, remember that each group must elect a representative who is THE ONLY STUDENT that will write his/her name down. When the representative student signs in, s/he will insert the names of the other 2 or 3 components of the group in the designated area, called "Nota".On each date indicated above, 4 groups are allowed to take the oral exam.