Dear DA_2022 students
I am attching here the update schedule for the exam session of the 7th of june, next tuesday.
We shall start at 9:00 in auletta1, Note that the first three exams, upon request, will be ONLINE
We have a quite tight schedule. I invite those of you that still did not manifest their intents to let us know the paper
of their presentations.
Warmest regards.
Andfrea Giansanti
tuesday 07/06/2022
MORNING SESSION (auletta 1 CU026)
09:00 Alessia Ranieri (2021) Da remoto sampling distributions and the bootstrap
09:30 Chiara Castrucci Da remoto
10:00 Claudia Varricchio Da remoto
10:30 Valentina Proganò Linear Regression
11:00 Alessia Spurio
11:30 Claudia Amadio Bayes’Theorem
12:00 Alessia Spurio
AFTERNOON SESSION (auletta seminari CU026)
14:00 Martina Roiati
14:30 Rebecca Reali Non parametric tests
15:00 Valeria Monaldi Sampling distribution and the bootstrap
15:30 Erisa Selita Power and Sample size
16:00 Giulia Granata
16:30 My-Lan Park
17:00 Maja Janvier