EXAMS in February 2021

EXAMS in February 2021

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Exams for the February 2021 Sessions

Course “Chemistry and Introduction to Biochemistry”


In person

The written test will take place on the date specified in the CLMMC F exam Calendar:

3 February in the Aula A of the Dept. of Biochemical Sciences (Aule Blu) 10 AM

22 February Aula B of the Dept. of Biochemical Sciences (Aule Blu) 10 AM


The oral exam will be on the 8th of February (session 1) and on the 25th of February (session 2) either in person or remotely, according to a schedule that will be provided after the written test.



3 February and 22 February at 2 PM, the Rectoral Decree will be followed.


1.     A public Google Meet session will be started for all candidates who will receive an email at their Sapienza Email address with the link.

2.     A second Google Meet Session will be created for the examiners, to which each candidate will be invited for the identification and verification of the absence of other people in the room.

3.     The exam will take place in the public Google Meet session, the candidates must have paper, thick felt tip black pen for writing chemical formulas and equations.


The written test will be held individually for each candidate in the first part of the exam and will consist of simplified exercises, formulas and multiple choices questions.


Students are requested to register as soon as possible on the Infostud website to allow the assessment of the number of candidates for the remote and in presence exam.