1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

Número de respuestas: 110

Watch the  video where a patient describes her problem with obesity. After, read the comments in the chat below the video. Finally, write your own comment in our group forum: is obesity a 'medical' problem or a 'behavioral' issue? Click here: 

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Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de Huon Snelgrove -

Hi Everyone,

This is a tricky issue. What are your thoughts? Join the forum. Feel free to write in English (or Italian if you prefer).

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de fabrizio virgili -

Since nobody has already posted anything, I’m going to break the ice!

Jennifer’s choice of undergoing a surgical intervention would have certainly been carefully pondered with her general practitioner, taking into consideration both: correlated risks and benefits. Undoubtedly, the indisputable risks associated to the huge number of obesity-linked dysfunction exceeded by far those eventually related to surgery: therefore, I share Jennifer’s choice. Obesity can derive from runaway food intake, endocrine and metabolic disorders or a genetic susceptibility. Nevertheless, as far as I am concerned, at the bottom of obesity issues there is always a “psychological component”: most likely, the reason why now Jennifer manages to lead a healthy life is due to the fact that, in spite of her freedom to eat any kind of food, at the same time she probably feels unconsciously obliged to “reduce her portions” and avoid “large quantities”. The necessity of undergoing a gastric bypass surgery turned out to be a means for her to realize the importance of not exceeding, didn’t it? That is to say that, presumably, when her GP suggested her surgery – which, of course, is not like a walk in the park – she comprehended the seriousness of the circumstance. In a certain way, when losing weight became “a matter of life or death”, the prospect of being operated on turned into an incitement to solve her eating disorder. To defeat obesity it is essential to become aware of how excessive weight can seriously compromise our health: if a surgical intervention represents a way of realizing such a thing and it lays the groundwork for a radical change in a wrong behavior, why shouldn’t her seize the moment?

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de tiziana salomone -

The WHO has defined the health like a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being; the grip dependency of these three factors is particularly outright in the case of the obesity. Often it is stretched to consider this pathology only from the closely clinical point of view that is an excess of body fat compared to the lean mass in terms of absolute amount and of distribution in specific points of the body; in reality it is not only this. The weight increase is the manifestation of something very more complex. Style of more and more sedentary and phrenetic life, characterized from fast lunch, and accompanied from birth of fast-food chains, sure has contributed to its spread in the more industrialized Countries. In this case the problem could be resolved for example teaching more to the little ones a corrected alimentary regime, favoring the distribution of fruit in the schools and increasing the hours of physical activity.

The obesity could be correlated to genetic factors or to psychological factors. Low self-esteem,  familiar and social particular condition could be of the possible causes. In this case it would be opportune to entrust the patients, before to a nutritionist, to a psychologist so to take greater conscience of what they are, of the condition in which they find and they find therefore the force to undertake a loss of weight distance face to restore, in immediate, own physical well-being.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de Usuario eliminado -

According to me obesity is not only a medical problem, but a multifactioral desease. It's a social problem and Jennifer is one of lots of people who don't accept their own body. Sometimes a correct lifestyle is not enough to feel good especially if society impose a wrong stereotype of beauty. I agree with Jennifer's decision because now she can live a healthy life.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de maria zelano -

Personally I think that obesity - that is now so common in the world's population - should no longer be considered a simple aesthetic problem that affects some individuals , but a real disease. 

Nowadays it’s beginning to replace a lot of diseases as the most significant contribution to health , in particular those related with diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, certain forms of cancer, and also sleep-breathing disorders. 

As well as Jennifer - the woman in the video - said , obesity is a multifactorial problem with a lot of causes such as metabolic and genetic factors, but also behaviors and lifestyle.

Moreover the stereotype of beauty imposed today by society does not help overweight people to feel better, on the contrary, it often makes obesity also a psychological problem that could causes depression, especially in people less strong than Jennifer that, instead, said she has began a real battle that she wants to win.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de Usuario eliminado -
L 'obesity is a serious form of overweight that involves physical and aesthetic problems but also a greater likelihood of occurrence of diseases (cardiac, respiratory, ect ..) and thus a lower life expectancy. Until recently, the 'obesity was only considered a medical problem, or nutritionally, today has begun to also explore the psychological component. Some patients use the food as compensation in the face of anxious or depressive moods and, more generally, a significant psychological mark. So very often it is necessary to intervene on the psyche rather than on the body and fix the problem.
En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de chiara sebastiani -

Obesity is classified both as a medical disease and behavioral disorder.It is a medical disease if we consider that research has found it is associated with a lot of medical conditions(diabetes,risk of high blood pressure,stroke,etc...).It is a behavioral disorder in which the dysfunction behavior is eating just like other eating disorders including anorexia and bulimia.

As to Jennifer's case I agree surgery has worked for her, but I think it might not be the right decision for everyone who wants to lose weight.The patient must be highly motived because it requires long term changes as to lifestyle and eating habits after surgery.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de chiara scorziello -

Personally I think obesity is at the same time e medical 'problem' and a 'behavioral' issue. It's a medical problem because, as we can read in almost all scientific pubblications about eating disorders, overweight and obesity are often associated with heart disease,  type 2 diabetes, stroke, certain types of cancer,arthritis and breathing problems. 

However as we can hear from Jennifer's story obesity is also linked to a behavioral issue. It can have an effect on everyday life. Overweight people often don't accept themselves and they can lose selfconfidence. So I think that a well done nutrition education, especially in primary schools, can help children and then adult people to face the problem and to help other people to find a solution. In fact, as we can apprehend from what Jennifer said, what other people think and say to an overweight person can have an effect on what that person think about himself.

In conclusion I think obesity is mostly a social problem that can be partly prevented with a good nutrition education and with costant and tangible help for people with an eating disorder, so that they can improve their life without feeling alone or different. 

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment


In my opinion, obesity is both a behavioural and a medical matter. Patients in overweight are often out of control: they tend to consider food as a way to consolate themselves. It helps them to escape from their worries and problems. At the same time, obese people don't accept their condition, and they isolate themselves from real life.
Obesity might cause several health problems, like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases; patients should feel free to choose gastric bypass surgery in order to solve their problems, but they must have the knowledge of all the risks that it may involve.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de sveva viola -

In my opinion, obesity is both a medical problem and behavioural issue. As we can see, the most common word in this video is ‘’again’’. Jennifer shows us, how easy is to fall in this thought process  which could damage the physical and psychological health of a person,  swinging between the improvement and the worsening. The principal cause is surely a combination of psychological and genetical problems. First of all, to improve his/her own life a person has to desire it, understanding the real problem, usually based on a no acceptance of the own physical aspect. In fact, the individual usually starts to have low self-confidence, and then stressed by society finds his own relief in eating. Today, obesity is a social problem which involves people of all ages, but i think that it shouldn't be underestimated in childhood, in this way, it won't recur in adulthood. Before the surgical operation, the patient must improve his/her life-style,  changing the real vision of the world and of himself, because a GP could help him/her to change but it won't be the final solution.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de alessandra sanasi -

Obesity is one of the most common problems related to the modern way of life and it can’t only be considered as a "medical problem", but also as a "behavior issue". It is influenced by hereditary predisposition and environmental factors, from bad eating habits, and sometimes can also be caused by psychological elements. It is related with serious disorders and diseases, so it is necessary to defeat it, by adopting a healthy lifestyle and a good level of physical activity. However, in the rare cases where this is not sufficient, like for Jennifer, surgery is the only salvation. Then, the gastric bypass surgery can be a starting point, which allows the person to take hold of his own life, but however it is necessary to keep fit, to follow stable diets and lifestyles in order to find and keep the balance, as Jennifer does now.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de chiara rossi -

I believe that obesity is both a medical problem and a 'behavioral' issue. In fact we all know that obesity  is the cause not only of a generalized physical illness - heart and circulatory problems, respiratory and movement problems, problems in reproduction - but also of psychological problem. The majority of obese people look at their own in the mirror and despise what they see but at the same time they are not able to block their uncontrollable desire for food and to change their eating habits. Furthermore, obesity is also a social problem: the overweight becomes a limit in the workplace but also in everyday life. Shopping can become a problem, driving a car can become a problem but also take care of the family. So as Jennifer in the video many people with this problem decide to use surgery as a solution to improve their lives.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de maria giulia travaglini -
First of all ovesity it's a social problem related to a bad nutrition education. More often people with few free time eat fast food and drink energy drink that contains a lot of sugar, instead of fruit, vegetable and the so-called slow food.

Nowadays mass medias talk so much about several diseas but less about obesity and they can encourage an healtier lifestyle. Moreover people should learn not to discriminate against obese considering them lazy and unintelligent but like people that need help.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de lorenzo quarta -

Obesity is a complex entity that can have many causes but I essentially think that obesity is a disease like alcoholism, depression and anxiety are. There are definite medical patterns as hormone imbalances, neurotransmitter deficiencies and nutritional exhaustion that all contribute to obesity. For others, there are genetic factors that produce a tendency to overweight. I also agree that there are behavior patterns that contribute to obesity as sedentary lifestyle of the modern world and the habit of eating unhealthy food. The global epidemic of obesity results from a combination of genetic susceptibility, increased availability of high-energy foods and decreased requirement for physical activity in modern society. Obesity should no longer be regarded simply as a cosmetic problem affecting certain individuals, but an epidemic that threatens global well being. Diets and exercise regimens often fail: it's important to evaluate a patient fully, including family history, exhaustive hormone evaluation, nutrient status, and life inventory to understand where to begin in treating this disease.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

i think obesity is one the issues that are linked to different origin. It's often caused by your own behaviour and eating attitudes or to refusing do physical activities; but it's also caused by genetical or physiological problems. Jennifer's case shows how difficult for these people is wasting weight both for psychological reason and for the wish of eating. To overspass these problem i think that surgery can be a good solution, as Jennifer, because it allows you to not only lose weight quickly and easily but also because it makes you realize the importance of a healthier life and the importance of eating healthy and doing physical exercise.
En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de sara rossi -

In my opinion, obesity is a critical problem that is the result of several factors.

Obesity is often caused by unhealthy diety or by sedentary habits. In this case, doctors but also friends and other people that are near to us can improve our conditions and habits encouraging sport and learning us to avoid street food.

On the other hand, we have to remember that obesity is also a combination of genetic and evironmental factors.For example, Prader-Willi syndrome,caused by a change of chromosome 15, raises hunger. 

In conclusion, I believe that obesity is a social and medical problem: people have a stereotype of beauty and they criticize overweight peolpe that, as a consequence, feel embarassed, unconfortable and depressed. These emotions get worse their health as Jennifer said. In addition, obesity is also a medical problem because it damages to arteries, veins and  other organs and often surgery operation is the only way to avoid these several problems.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de giacomo sartori -

I think that obesity is both a behaviourl and a madical matter. Sometimes is necessary to know the cause or, if there isn't, the doctor has "just" to talk to the patient. The mental preparation is a must if you want to start a war (if we can use tha term). Because it is a must? Because is a not-stop fighting against "food"; but the doctor has to inform patients about the helps they can receve because Obesity is a pathology which has many risks. Jennifer’s choice of undergoing a surgical intervention would have been carefully considered, taking into count risks and benefits (even if someone thinks of this as the only way of succeedind)

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de chiara tonnarini -

Obesity is a problem related to many factors. It's a medical problem, probably caused by a genetic predisposition and metabolic disorders that are supported by psychological and social factors. I think the way out is a treatment not only medical but also of assistance and moral support. Who suffers from this type of problem should follow recovery programs that can be a lifestyle re-education in order to arrive at a situation that preserves as much as possible the health.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de michele roazzi -

Obesity is a "medical" problem because it is a risk factor for a lot of medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, some cancers and even breathing problems.

Jennifer's story is useful to open mind on obesity. The causes of this condition are often multifactorial, particularly they are linked with genetic and environmental factors.

In my opinion modern society is aware of incorrect behaviours which could play a role in weight gain but "temptations" sometimes overcome us. Indeed the spread in industrialized countries of junk food full of sugar, fat or salt makes it hard to resist.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de antonella sigillò -

I think obesity is both a medical “problem” and a “behavioral” issue, because it can be connected with excessive food intake and lack of physical activity, but also with genetic predisposition, slow metabolism or mental disorders; and, moreover, from the medical point of view obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, osteoarthritis and depression. It is influenced by physiological and psychological factors, because according to me some people – predisposed by nature - start eating too much and without control after a particular and significative event of their life, that causes a loss of self-esteem and of interest in their own health, and then it becomes really difficult to stop eating in this way and to lose weight. As Jennifer says, she tried many time to lose weight and she succeeded, but then she put on weight again, feeling bad also for what others said about her. So, there is clearly a connection with a psychological issue and I’m sure that in these cases gastric bypass surgery can represent an important turning point and can help these people to control themselves, to change their lifestyle  and their eating habits and to take back their physical and psychological health, regaining self-confidence.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de massimiliano ricci -

I agree with Jennifer. Obesity is an underestimated disease. Obesity can cause seriously health and social problems. I repeat what Jennifer says in the youtube video; “Increase the acceptance of elective weight loss surgery” 

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de martina santopietro -

I think obesity is a behavioral problem and a medical problem. Sometimes obesity can be resolved starting from the psychological cause, without resorting to surgery. Mental preparation is crucial for weight loss as it is a long-term path. Because it is a non-stop fight against "food"; but the doctor must inform patients about the aid they can receive, because obesity is a disease and presents many risks. Jennifer's choice to undergo surgery would be carefully evaluated, taking into account the risks and benefits (even if someone thinks this is the only way to do it).

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de sofia srebotuyak -

I agree with her choice because I think that when losing weight becomes so hard it's necessary to try a medical remedy. I don't lie people using gastric bypass as a kind of 'diet' : there are lots of people who, instead of following a diet and doing sports, decide to have a gastric bypass. I totally disagree with this type of thought and I also think that the surgeon should pay attention to this. 

What is important to remember is that a full change in one's lifestyle is necessary to fight this disease, otherwise it becomes impossible to defeat it. 

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de vita zirpoli -

In my opinion, Obesity is both a  'medical' problem and a 'behavioral' issue.
In certain cases, obeity is due to genetic susceptibility next to an absent food education. Furthermore, obesity is often associated with heart disease,  type 2 diabetes, stroke, certain types of cancer,arthritis and breathing problems.
In other cases, obesity is due to a psychological problems: the food becames a refuge, away from worries and problems.
Often a healty lifestyle and a good level of physical activity are not enough. As Jennifer says, it's very easy getting pulled back in.

In my opinion, a psychological help can be very imporant for  an overweight, also to determine conciously between submitting  or not himself to a gastric bypass surgery. Like in Jennifer's history , i think motivation is a key poin.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de andrea tagliamonte -

I think that obesity is such a great problem of modern society. We can define it as a multifactioral disease in which there is an important psychological component. Infact many patient find in food a comfort to fight their weakness, for exemple low self-exteem or problematique familiar situations. Unfortunately these behaviours can lead patient to eating disorders, like the obesity that involves a lot of systemic diseases.

Even if the surgery worked for Jennifer and improved her life, I think that the path for patients to defeat obesity should be made of lifestyle and eating habits changes. In this way the patient can find the right motivation and strenght to avoid the past mistakes.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment


In my personal opinion,obesity is both : medical and behavior problem.

Is a medical problem because there are people who cannot control the weight because of other co-deseases or because they are emotionally struggling and this is a behavior problem.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de Ina Xhengo -

In my personal opinion obesity is both a medical and behaviour problem. It's a medical problem because there are people who cannot control the weight because of other pathological diseases like hypothyroidism. It is as well as a psychological problem because of a lot of external factors that affect the patient, such as the idea of losing weight not for improving your lifestyle, but being accepted in the society by the society conditions. At least, it is a behaviour problem because losing weight and fighting obesity is a consistent work, just like any other thing you do for getting the desirable results.

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Ri: Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de gianluca santoro -

I think Obesity is a multifactorial desease and we should definitely consider, in addition to genetic and dietary factors, the impact of social and environmental stressors on the patient's behavior and his/her level of education.

I think the real goal of the battle against obesity is not only weight loss but to understand how the human mind reacts to stressors, what are the appropriate tools to avoid weight problems and follow a healthy way, how to fight external (and internal) stressors, how to strenghten the right behavior, and how to keep the situation under control (as much as possible).

There is much more to explore and solve on a psychological level than on a purely clinical one

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Ri: Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment


Obesity is a complex disease: a medical condition whose contributers can be both metabolic and behavioural. Nowadays, unfortunately, this condition is considered, by people without a proper and up-to-date education on the topic, as the result of the lack of willing in losing weight. Despite a non-negable component in self-regulation, especially in the first stages of the pathology, once a person suffers from obesity for a long span of his life, it is not possible to ignore the whole psycological component (relationship with food, self-regulation, binge eating, frustration from not being able to lose weight) and the burden of this disease on the metabolism, that makes harder losing weight (adipokynes, modification of the reward system, setpoint set in stone...). So an olistic approach, that takes in care the body along the mind, must be the answer, without denying the patient more radical approaches, if the condition seems lifethreatening and the patient is compliant. 

En respuesta a Huon Snelgrove

Ri: Re: 1.1-1.2 "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment


In my opinion, obesity is linked both to psychological problems and medical ones. On one side, it can be considered a question correlated to health because it can be linked to hormones' disorders, like in thyroid disfunctions and in some kind of diabetes (mellito type II); on the other side, it is undoubtedly correlated to psychological matters because food, especially junk food, can be a way to escape from oneself's problems. 

By the way, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is fundamental to avoid risks of serious diseases and not to be overweight. These aspects are very important since to undergo a bypass surgery it is necessary to be sure to be able to follow these advice after the surgery itself. 

Besides, losing weight is a way to feel better and allows us to be more self-confident and avoid psychological problems. 

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de alessandra tomaselli -

i think that obesity is a very important problem in our society because lots of people have this kind of pathology. it could be a real risk for people's health and so we must fight against it. I agree with the woman of the video when she says that there are a lot of causes for obesity, like behaviours, lifestyle and also medical reasons, and  i think that we must not judge who is affected by obesity. In fact very often it becomes a psicological problem and also can cause depression. so we have to help this type of patient in every way we can, with medical and psicological terapies, because it's a matter of life and death.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de isabella rea -

In my opinion, obesity is a multifactorial problem. It’s usually caused by neurobiological, metabolic, genetic and socio-cultural factors. The medical need is to reduce body weight, to decrease hypertension, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, important factors associated to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes of type 2. But it’s also a behavioral problem often connected to family situation, childhood and other different psychological issues. In fact, it’s important to do a nutritional education to learn to eat healthy, respecting the correct portions necessary for its own caloric needs and exercising regularly. We can see that in the video. Jennifer probably was forced to undergo surgery and she seems to get better than before. So, I support her choice and no one has to judge a person by the way she looks, without knowing her struggles.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de roberta romaniello -
According to my humble opinion obesity can be treated both as a medical problem and behavioral, or both at once. It can arise due to genetic factors, ingestion of medications, metabolic problems, at the same time caused by psychological problems. The same is valid for the effects that do not concern "only" the health of our body,since we have to consider many related diseases, but also affects the behavior and the way we relate to others, in some cases even leading to depression. If we also take in consideration Jennifer's previous attempts that led her to fight for so many years and to lose and regain weight, over and over again, things that definitely affect a lot on the psychological health and instill the fear of never seeing his loved ones, I think she consciously chose to undergo gastric bypass and that It was a deliberate and right choice, because as she affirms, this had enabled her to win her battle.
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment


According to my personal opinion obesity cannot be regarded only as a medical problem, it could depends on many factors that have a psycological and social origin. Listening to Jennifer’s story, I could think that her condition was caused by a social problem that is linked with her adolescence. When she was 14/15 years old, she had the first problems with her body. In the same way, a social factor (her pregnancy) had represented her turning point but only for a few time. Although obesity is not strictly a medical problem, it has a medical solution that is gastric by pass.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de paola giuseppina sergi -

In my opinion obesity is a multifactorial disease. The very problem in a “fat” person is his mood. The first cause of the obesity may be found in depression and the no acceptance of the own physical aspects. 

To me, the first step to fight obesity is work on the mood.

One psychological cause of obese individual is gulping down food in uncontrolled way, in absence of hunger stimulus.

I understand the reasons that led Jennifer to take this surgery. The results that derive from it, pushed Jennifer to work even harder in her fight. 

I reckon intervention good if it is the last thing that can push a patient to change for better. Before the chirurgical operation, the patient must do other attempts to improve his health. 

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de giulia tatulli -
Firstly I think obesity is a social problem. Many problems of losing weight or have a correct lifestyle came out from social stereotypes. Society increases this kind of psycological issues...and I Think many girls (and boys obviously) are victims of this system. Overeating and so obesity, but even anorexia are important medical problems but their origins came out from the psychological certainty that we want to be accepted by the other people, and we are supposed to be ''perfect''. Anyway an irregular lifestyle brings people to dangerous medical issues and so the effect is that these troubles are important to be controlled.
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de martina torzelli -

In my opinion, obesity is a problem due to many different factors that, in an inevitable way, could influence a lot a person's quality of life. 

It is partly caused by genetical problems or by some bad habits, even if I do think that the psychology represents a very strong and important factor that has to be considered. Many people in this particular condition of obesity underestimate themselves (or maybe they have lived very particular experiences that have brought them to this point) and, just because they think that there's no way out, they prefer letting it go and eating too much, not taking care neither of their health. In fact, they are not properly aware of the damages they cause to their body until the moment in which they reach the limit, by developing serious cardiovascular or respiratory diseases that put at risk their life. Moreover, obese people live an embarrassing and frustrating life, always forced to face the judges of very little open-minded people, that make them fell uncomfortable.

By taking the example of Jennifer, she never understood the gravity of her condition until the moment in which doctors proposed her a surgical intervention, consisting in a gastric bypass, presenting it as the only way out as an alternative to a worse fate. I agree with Jennifer's choice at all, considering also the fact that, by reaching this goal, she can now live a more comfortable and healthy life.

En respuesta a martina torzelli

Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de chiara rizzardi -

Obesity is certainly a major problem which is increasing day by day among children and adults. There is no consensus on the causes of obesity, but it is clear that increase chronic health problems. The solution seems simple: people should eat less and exercise more. But as we heard on Jennifer’s video, the diets and exercises work for a while but then they regain the weight plus more. So sometimes the surgery may be the only real long term solution for those who have been struggling with chronic obesity for years. That’s the reason why I don’t think we can judge the decision to undergo gastric bypass surgery without knowing their struggles.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment


A biochemical cause for obesity could be "positive energy balance", which means your intake of energy is more than that required to reach the daily calorie needs, even though we must consider many times metabolic disorders play an important role as well. Sadly, this world is populated by many superficial people who judge others upon their appearance or worse, upon their medical conditions such as obesity. There are many factors that brings to obesity1 and I completely agree with Jennifer when she says people should be more open-minded, maybe thinking to other factors causing this condition other than saying you have a poor lifestyle or bad dietary habits. As to Jennifer's case, she has gone through many ups and downs in her life, and what she says makes us think there is some sort of difficulty keeping a constant weight, not related to lack of will or initiative: she has lost 110 pounds going to the gym and in many other occasions in her life, but unavoidably regained her weight. Surely her surgeon must have carefully assessed Jennifer's situation before suggesting her to undergo a surgery. He surely excluded any other ineffective intervention for Jennifer and found out that the only solution was to offer her a bypass gastric surgery. Who are we to judge Jennifer, perhaps daring to state she is so lazy or lacking of will that the easiest way to get rid of her "burden" is to undergo a surgery? How can someone be so stupid and inconsiderate not to think that surgery is a suffered choice, for there is maybe no other way to solve her condition?  


1) http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/obe/causes

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de anna raimondi -

In my opinion obesity is a medical problem and a behavioral iusses. Infact it can result from a variety of situations both medical (for example hormonal imbalances) both psychological or social. However we need to help people suffering from this condition and we shuoldn't judge them. It's necessary people feel accept as they are and firs of all they accept themselves so they would take care of themselves. 

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de anna savio -

I think obesity can be treated either as a medical problem that behavioral. medical because it can lead to having severe cardiovascular diseases, respiratory etc. dangerous for the life ; behavioral because it may result in depression: people often do not accept their body and at this contributes sometimes  the model of beauty imposed by society to be respected; but not limited to, other causes of obesity it is to see the food as only outlet in difficult moments of life. we  should therefore not only consider the medical aspect of obesity, but also the psychological and either way to fight to win this problem.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de claudia scinicariello -
My personal feeling is that obesity is at same time a medical problem and a behavioral issue. It could depend on health factors, as metabolic or hormonal, but also on psychological difficulties, that develop a wrong relation with food. In any case, obesity became a serious medical problem when it damages healt, causing for example cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus or sleep disorders. I agree with Jennifer on her decision to have the gastric bypass surgery, because I think that should obesity depends on a medical factor or on a behavioral issue it is important to find a solution and improve the life quality, preventing subsequent effects. She tried to have healty diet and lifestyle without durable results, and she consciously decides to change and save her life by having the gastric bypass surgery.
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de juri terribile -

Obesity is first of all a psychological problem and then it can become a medical issue. It is not easy to resolve problems with food espcially in young age. But it is crucial to not grow up with obesity because then it is very difficult to correct it when we are adults. i consider the chirurgical operation only the last step of an ipotetic situation because before it it is possible to start several initiatives.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de tania soriano -

Obesity is the cause of numerous medical problems , but in rare cases I think it is caused by medical problems . surely there are diseases that include symptoms such as weight gain and feelings of hunger , but as symptoms should disappear with the cure of the disease . in other cases obesity depends on the choice , not always conscious , eating.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de emanuele russo -

Obesity is very diffused, especially in the occidental countries. It's a mistake to consider it only a behaviour issue; obesity creates problemies in the social relationship but, above all, it has a lot of consequence on our health. A lot of pathologies are caused by obesity; hypertension, cardiac failure, and diseases connected to breathing apparatus. Obesity can be attended by a good lifestyle, and workout; this isn't always sufficient and the surgery is the only solution.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de nicholas viceconti -

I think Obesity is both a medical problem and an issue of behaviour because it is often associated with other diseases or genetic factors. Sometimes it depends on bad behaviors (those have often psychologic roots), as Jennifer refers. In fact Jennifer tries to lose weight many times in her life and she often reaches the success. Her problem was how to keep the weight, even when she became a model for a fitness club. So i think Jennifer’s choice about Gastric bypass surgery was a painful but a right decision because it represented for her a new opportunity to lose weight and reduce other risks associated with obesity (such as cardiovascular diseases), in order to improve her quality of the life. This event marked Jennifer’s life because she feels the need of reducing her portions of food. So she realizes how to control herself and thinks that obesity is as “a matter of life and death”. 

For these reasons, Gastric bypass surgery can represent the first step to solve this problem, but then it is necessary to keep fit, playing outdoor exercises and eating the correct quantity of healthy food, how Jennifer does now.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de erica rosati -
Obesity causes can be several , from the eating excess and the total absence of phisical training to real diseases which can alterate the correct  metabolic functioning and lead to overweight. So obesity may be just a medical problem or simply a behaviour issue or may be both. In fact  huge combinations of factors are involved in the determination of this problem. Most of the time the main cause of " behavioural obesity" ,  could be found in the individual's psychological background , in some experienced traumas  by which the person has been deeply scarred . For these people the food and especially  the time of eat become a way to fill the void they feel inside themselves. Of course eating does not solve their real problems and instead they get other problems, medical problems related to being  overweight. When at the end losing weight becomes a matter of life or death , I support the choice of a gastric by pass surgery but I think this could be a final choice after a psychological support.
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de michael katsev -

think that you can't consider obesity as "a 'medical' problem or a 'behavioral' issue" because i think that it will be more correct to say that both can influence the obesity. Maybe even more correct would be the idea that the obesity is a syndrome that can be manifested like the result of different illnesses (that also could be psychological). 

 As we can see in the case of Jennifer, the "symptom" of the overweight can appear and than disappear, so we can presume that different times an different life stile can cause the overweight. But, in case that the overweight became a danger, we should examine the obesity as an illness case by himself.

As a society we should understand what are the factors that can cause obesity, that we can control. and we have to think how we can minimize those factors.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de luca ruggiero -

Obesity is a serious problem especially in childhood level, but also in adults. A child level is much more severe as the child growing up can have serious social problems in comparison with others. Many times you isolate and intensify their problems. The family doctor and parents should prevent to better promote children's lives. In adults the health problems increase especially cardiovascular and motirio nature. Encouraging a healthy diet and sports.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de sara trivigno -

I think obesity is a complex and multifactorial disorder: its causes could be genetic or linked to lifestyle or improper eating habits. I believe that psychological and social problems can influence the sense of hunger and make the appetite insatiable!!! And when the subject becomes more and more fat, he totally loses the control of his weight. I can't express a competent medical opinion about obesity, but I think that surgery should be the last chance to be considered in this case because of its risks. According to me, the way to overcome obesity is difficult: it is necessary the help of nutritionists , personal trainers and psychologists.  Diet and lifestyle should be changed and  the psychological support is important in order to overcome the moments of discouragement! In fact I think that Jennifer was really depressed when she decided to resort to surgery because she seemed to be unable to lose weight! I can't judge her decision and I hope she is finally happy!!

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de Francesco Maria Sacco -
Obesity is obviously a multifactorial problem. It is due to different factors. It has genetic and environmental basis but it has also got an high impact in social life, that's why obesity can be considered as a psicosocial problem. From the "social" point of view, obese people have difficulty in being accepted by the society but they do not often accept their own body.
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de chiara romano -
Obesity is both a medical problem and a behavioral issue: it is a medical problem because it is related, on the basis of different studies, to different diseases like diabetes, heart attack, ictus and so on, so it is considered an important factor that predisposes the patients to these diseases. Obesity has also a genetic base and recent researches believe that there are some adenovirus that cause obesity in Humans. By the same token, obesity can be considered also a behavioral problem because it is associated with particular mental states like depression, stress ecc but also with important conditions like bulimia,anorexia. I think that Jennifer has taken the right decision for herself using surgery but it isn't the right solution for everyone, it depends on individual conditions.
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de giulia sarti -

In my opinion obesity is both a medical problem and a behavioral issue. First of all we know there're many diseases related with obesity, for example cardiovascular problems. In fact hearing Jennifer's story, we can see she is afraid to die for it. Furthermore obesity is also a behavioral issue because it is reflected in the behavior of the person. Overweight people have problems with themselves, they are often insecure, they don't trust in themselves, they don't love themselves because of their body and this is also a problem for relationships.. As a matter of facts, they are often lonely. I think that Jennifer made the right choice doing the gastric bypass, because at first she tried to loose weight. But these surgery operations are not the only way to loose weight, first of all every overweight person has to be determined, brave and ready to suffer in order to reach big results. And big results cannot be reached by shortcut, such as surgery.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de erika sabellico -

According to my personal opinion obesity cannot be considered only as a medical problem but also as a behavioural disorder. Obese people find in food the only solution to their problems, they tend to alienate themselves from the social relationships because they don't feel at ease with their bodies. At the same time this disorder is not limited to the "extra pounds" but it can lead to many consequences, even serious ones, falling within the field of medicine.

First of all, I think that overweight people should improve their lifestyle, adopting healthy habits like physical activity and balanced diet. In rare cases, like in Jennifer’s situation, this is not enough: surgery seems to be the only solution.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de francesca scannapieco -

Obesity can be considered both a medical disease and a behavioral disorder, but i think that the main cause is the psychological aspect. Indeed, lots of people are obese because of metabolic or genetic factors, but there is also a substantial percentage that is overweight because of difficult situations in the past or other people who face this problem only for a short period as it is related to a momentary stress.

For this reason, i think that surgery has been useful for Jennifer, as it could be for lots of similar cases, but it is not the only solution, in fact, it is often more necessary to work on the psyche in order to gain the right motivation to make a change.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de guendalina vizza -

I think obesity si both a medical problem and a behavioral issue. If the patient has metabolic disorders that compromise the functioning of the body, it can be considered a disease. If this can be cured but there are no results after treatment, it means that there is a rejection by the patient, a kind of resignation that leads him to not follow a healthy lifestyle that will take him to improve his form, both physical and mental, because he feels to be part of a marginalized social sector, so also he has many difficulties  to convince himself of wanting to get out.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de agnese sordi -

I think that obesity is a real and serious problem.

Unfortunately lots of people think that obesity is linked to lazy, indolent people who don’t care about their healthy body.

Instead it’s important to underline that  this disease is a blend of “ medical and genetic “ and “ psychological” problem.


I agree with Jennifer’s choice, but I think that surgery is not for everyone because it’ll change everyday beheviour and lifestyle.

I think also that surgery has to be accompanied with a psycological support because it’s not a physical change, but mostly a personal and inner change.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de flavia raponi -

According to me obesity is a medical condition commonly caused by a combination of excessive food intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility . But It's a mistake to consider it only a medical condition. It’s also a behaviour issue: it has  got an high impact in social life because it is associated with particular mental states like depression, stress  .that's why obesity can be considered as a psicosocial problem.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de simona vona -
I think that fat people are out of control, and they don't understand what they cause to themselves with food. I think that people should balace everything, because every excess always causes problems. Even in diet. Obesity is a very dangerous condition and people don't realize this. 

I consider obesity not only anaesthetical, nobody's perfect, but a real medical disease, that should be treated like an another patology. The cure for the obese patient is a lot of willpower: he has to change his point of view, his lifestyle, and it's difficult. So many people appeal to surgery, applying a gastric bypass, but I think you have to try so many times to do everything on your own before having a gastric bypass.

En respuesta a simona vona

Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de biagio scotti -
Obesity, as now it is clear to all , constitutes a medical problem but at the same time behavioral, since in most cases the main cause of it is the combination of  excessive calories intake and lack of physical activity. More generally , the increase of rate of obesity in the population is attributable to a not balanced diet, the greater dependence on cars and perhaps also to the shallowness with which people "decide" to approach to cardiac, vascular pathologies, etc., of which the obesity is an important predisposing factor. So for this reason I believe that before opting for a surgical solution is a duty find the determination  and the will to engage daily, recognize the problem (because it is!) , get help,change bad lifestyle in order to maintain your standard weight for a healthy life.
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de francesca riccio -
Word Health Organization defines obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health and tells us that worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980.
We do know how huge that problem is and nowadays it is still difficult to define it as a medical issue or a behavior and psychological problem too. 
Obesity can sometimes be traced to a medical or genetical cause but often it is possible to find the causes of this particular condition in bad eating habits or inactivity. In fact, a sedentary life and a lack of attention in the diet inevitably bring to weight gain which, if out of control, could develop in a dangerous condition characterized by a number of serious health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and breathing disorders. 
In my opinion, obesity should be consider as both a medical and a psychological issue because it is a problem which, when it occurs, could be solve through surgery which, at the same time, must be implemented by a psychological support. The aim of the healing process should be to help the patient to improve his relationship with food and with himself and to reeducate him to a healthy lifestyle. If the patient reach a psychological condition that makes him change his habits and behavior, then it will be able to maintain during the time all the positive results that surgery brought. 
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de Alessandra Salvatori -

'Obesity' is a really complicated issue. As we already know studying Medicine this problem can depend on a large variety of factors and it shouldn't be semplified just as some people often do. Despite all these things to consider, I am almost sure that it should be seen as a behaviour issue. In Jennifer's case it is clear to me that it was about an eating problem because it would be solved just keeping under control what to eat everyday. 

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de noemi salerno -
I think that obesity is always a behaviour problem, but sometimes it is  strictly connected to other medical and psychological problems. So I think that first of all it's necessary treating obesity trough informations about the importance of leading a correct style of life and following a correct and healty diet. 

However, these behaviour problems have a much deep cause, which can be both medical both psychological. In these cases it's necesessary descovery the true reason trough specific exams and choise the right treatment.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de stefania rucco -

I think that the obesity occurs for various reasons, maybe medical problems, or a wrong way of life, or a social or psychological distress that somatization and trying to find comfort in food. I think that when you reach exaggerated levels of obesity is important to carry out surgery, because it's very difficult to lose as much weight just by dieting, and you tend to give up. However after that they have to follow an ipocaloric diet, and sport is also important. Lose weight helps these people to feel better both with themself, and to others and so they improve the quality of their lives. 

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de amelia spanò -

Obesity is certainly a medical problem, with heavy psychological influences and, in a certain extent, social

repercussions. To begin with: how does one get obese? Of course a sedentary, un-healthy lifestyle plays its

part; a balanced diet and regular exercise are always the best and easier way to prevent not only obesity,

but also all the related illnesses (cardiovascular diseases above all). In my opinion a balanced diet, designed

by an expert and qualified nutritionist, combined with a scheduled exercise routine is the first thing to

advice to an obese patient. If the condition persists, further analysis are required. A psychological

assistance should be provided by a professional to the patient during the treatment. If the condition is

exclusively related to behavior issues then the patient should go under a guided and gradual re-education

in terms of nutrition and self-care. We also have to consider the traumatic effect of the image that the

patient has of himself, especially for women; social alienation and even suicidal attempts are often linked

to obesity, due to the fact that "being fat" is often perceived as a guilt, both from the patient and society


When there is an actual disease that causes obesity, or a morbid obesity which does not depend on the

lifestyle only, then a pharmacological therapy should be prescribed to the patient. Obesity is of course a

pathological condition and a disease in itself, but I think that a dangerous intervention like a surgery, that as

many side effects and repercussion on the patient life, should be applied only as a last and extreme

instance (like indeed Jennifer did), when everything else has failed or when a pharmacological therapy

would result in severe side effects. Surgery must not be considered as a shortcut and used without the

necessary caution; it indeed requires an active effort of the patient in the above mentioned fields of

nutrition and exercise for a complete recovery and an healthy life after the operation.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de laura serafini -

In my opinion obesity is both a medical problem and a behavior issue. A medical problem because, as we can read in many scientific publications about eating disorders, obesity is often associated with hearth disease, stroke, breathing problems or certain types of cancer.

A behavior issue, as Jennifer show us, because is easy lose control of himself without even realizing. As Jennifer said, for those who suffer from certain problems it would be useful assistance continues to reorganize their lives towards a healthier way. it is not to be underestimated childhood obesity which could be prevented by thorough education.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de lucio santoro -

In my opinion obesity is a serious form of overweight that may have consequences both aesthetic and health. From an aesthetic point of view it can create social problems especially for the weak temperamentally people. From a medical point of view it may create problems because it damages the cardiovascular system.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de Giulia Giordana Vallone -

i think that obesity is a medical problem and behavioral issue. people need to find a solution for resolve this problem. maybe with psychological support or with a dietician or both. in Jennifer's case she found a solution with gastric bypass because even when she lost weight, she began to eat and she return to the start. the patient must improve his/her lifestyle and start to think with different point of view.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de michele sarcina -
According to me,obesity is both a medical disease that behavioral disorder. There are many diseases associated with obesity like stroke,diabets etc...this makes it a kind of medical problem;furthermore it can also connected to hormonal dysfunctions. I consider obesity a behavioral disorder too, the problem is bad and excessive eating. About the surgical solution ,it's an excellent solution,the easiest way but in my opinion it's better try to lose weight doing physical activity and correcting the diet which isn't neither the easiest nor the fastest way but the best .
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de letizia Scarcella -

I think that obesity is a real society problem. Sometimes it's ignoring however it represents an important medical problem of our times . In my point of view , at first time obesity is an psychological problem because it determines a person life style , his way of thinking , his state of mind and the way it looks himself. I think that most obese people aren't able to win their battle with obesity because of the certain they never would be changed , so society have to speak more about obesity problem because people have to be supported and encourage. I agree with Jennifer's opinion, some many factors determinate obesity , and I know how difficult is to find a solution . In my opinion , surgery could be an opportunity but not the solution because to reach the gold we have a basically healthy living , we have to do sports and , in first time, we have to think that we can defeat obesity!

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de francesca urbani -

Obesity is one of the main public health questions, so it’s a medical problem. It is mostly caused by wrong lifestyles. I personally think that it’s a condition we can definitely prevent. In other cases it’s associated with other diseases and there are also genetic predispositions. However it is difficult and wrong to make a generalisation of this problem, which is widespread.My point of view about Jennifer’s case is that her obesity is a sign of a lack of self-control when she feels hungry.  As she lost weight, she felt good about herself and this should have helped her to keep it but she wasn’t successful. This is a problem, which is linked to a psychological issue, therefore it has to be managed seriously.  The surgery, the willpower and a healthy education can help. I suggest to have a look at http://www.letsmove.gov/ It’s an American initiative, launched by the First Lady, Michelle Obama, to win the challenge of childhood obesity.


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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de alice joni slomp -

I think obesity is both a medical and a behavioral issue.

An unhealty life style or incorrect eating habits can bring to an uncontrolled weight accumulation and these cases are often due to behavioral factors such as: hard working rhythms, self-confidence, unsatisfactory affective life or depression.

Obviously, we are excluding from this discussion obesity cases due to metabolic syndromes or other organic diseases, that are doubtlessly a medical problem.

Obesity, like bulimia and anorexia, is a kind of issue that touches multiple aspects of a patient's life and for this reason it must be treated from different point of view: first of all psychological, supported by a rigid alimentation control with an Health care professional's help. In these cases, I think the doctor's duty (referring to GPs) is to morally support the patient and monitor the possible negative consequences of his physical state.

Surgical measures should only be the last choice, for a deeper and complete healing of the patient.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

I believe that obesity is a both medical and behavioural issue. There are many factors that can determine it, which can be genetic predisposition, psychological and social issue. In my opinion obesity can be defeated with the help of a psychologist and a dietician, who can show people the way to achieve physical and mental wellbeing. Even society and people around us have a big task in this, because obese people are often getting bullied or outcast for our common social conception of 'body', which can bring them to depression and even worsen their obesity problem.
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de sofia vecchioni -

I personally think that this is quite a tricky subject. In regard to obesity, it is really difficult to draw the line between psychological and physiological issues. In fact, for quite a few people, these two factors are both very important.

But even though some psychological factors are involved I still think it should be considered without a doubt a "medical issue". Psyche is not a second-rate component of one's health. Psychological health is as important as physical health, and thus it requires proper treatment.

Being that said, in regard to treatment, I think that after trying other less invasive techniques to reduce the patient's weight, and if those result in a failure, gastric bypass surgery can be a good tool to try. Anyways I still think that the surgery alone isn't enough and that it should be combined with a behavioral re-education plan. I think that combining both a more strictly "medical" treatment with a "behavioral" one is what would give the best outcome. 

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de elisa tiracorrendo -

Obesity is a multifactorial problem. A disease that borns from the head and manifests itself in the body. The doctor  should not just treat the symptom but also the cause, which can be a trauma, depression, whatever may have upset the patient. In the case of a disease such as obesity, the doctor should not only worry about seeing a significant weight loss in the patient but also should worry about his mental health and see a change in him. Surgery should be one of the final steps when you see a change. Jennifer's choice was courageous but the right one because she changed the waistcoat life before embarking on it. In fact at the end of video she says it is not a diet but has undertaken a different lifestyle.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de giorgia turco -

From my point of view it is too restrictive to consider obesity as an exclusively behavioral problem, or vice versa, a purely medical issue. Obesity appears to be something multifactorial, in fact it is related to both wrong lifestyle and eating habits, but is also associated with psychological problems. In fact, a patient suffering from obesity should not be seen as someone who has the full blame on the situation in which he finds himself, but he must be helped and cured with every possible means: from simple psychotherapy to surgery, if it represents the only solution.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de anna ragazzini -

In my opinion obesity is, just like Jennifer says, a common problem just like many other problems. This means that people who are affected with this disease must be treated like normal patients, and that they must not be leaved to their own devices. Indeed, obesity is a multifactorial illness that also needs a psychological support to make the affected person understand that a healthy lifestyle is very important. Nevertheless, obesity is not just a psychological disease so overweight people must receive the help they need also with surgery, when it is possible. I think that we should consider obesity like a real and a serious disease, not just like a lack of interest of some people for their own life and health.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de federico tamburi -

I think that obesity can be considered at the same time a medical problem and a behavioral issue. As a matter of fact, we know that there are some drugs (like steroids), which can cause obesity, and some diseases, as hypotirodism, which can cause obesity. Moreover, due to its complications, obesity can be considered a medical problem, since it can cause the onset of tumors. Moreover, obesity can lead to pathologies related to the circulatory system, such as coronary artery disease.

On the other hand, obesity can be also caused by some bad dietary habits. The lack of balance in what you eat causes your body not to receive all those resources, which are fundamental for your health. The risk, in this case, is to be affected by the pathologies that I have just mentioned above.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de ilaria torre -

In my opinion obesity is both a "medical" problem and a "behavioral" issue. Obesity can be considered a medical problem, because it may provoke stroke, cardiovascolar disease, diabetes, sleep disorders, cancer. At the same time overweight people could have psychological problems due to what other people may think of them. I think that a healthy lifestyle with a good diet and sports activities could help these people loose weight; but if they don't solve their problem in this way,  gastric bypass surgery would be the best solution.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de emanuele sammartini -

In my opinion, obesity is a behavioral, medical and cultural problem. The courageous choice of the patient in the proposed video will surely have been dictated by his lifestyle and a fair compromise between costs and benefits. today you hear a lot about obesity, wrapped in ignorance or rather overwhelming the gravity of the situation and perhaps without realizing the real risks (first of all the cardiovascular risks, but not only) and well to emphasize that the food culture must be well structured in our modern society where sedentaryism is one of the major risk factors. Surgical techniques can certainly help overcome the problem, but only if added to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. In my opinion, there should be a lot of prevention on this subject, as the first ring of care for this type of pathology

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de mattia tesseri -

I agree with Jennifer’s opinion that it is difficult to take into account all the causes which lead to obesity –genetic factors are definitely important, but often it is the psychological aspect which is the most significant. From this point of view, I think that obesity is not “just like any other problem”, as Jennifer says. Personally, I think that the best option would be to try every non-invasive approaches to the disease before resorting to gastric by-pass surgery, which is irreversible and comes with its own health risks. This is what Jennifer tried to do, although perhaps a less intensive exercise regime would have been easier to keep up in the long-term, and ultimately more effective – especially if coupled with the continuous support of professionals: a psychologist, a nutritionist, maybe even a personal trainer. If this approach doesn't work, then a surgical solution is a reasonable and legit option.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de francesco tartaglia -

I agree with Jennifer’s choice: she had tried to lose weight several times without permanent success, therefore undergoing surgery was basically the only option left. In addiction to his medical advantages, the surgery probably had a psicological impact on Jennifer, making her conscious of the seriousness of her situation.

Obesity is in fact a multifactorial problem, and the way the patient approaches it plays a lead role in recovery: a full change in one’s lifestyle is necessary to fight this disease, and that’s why it’s so hard to defeat it. Therefore, the doctor has to take into account numerous aspects and not only the clinical ones.

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 In my opinion, Obesity is as much a psychological as a physical problem. Psychological issues can not only foreshadow the development of obesity, but they can also follow ongoing struggles to control weight.

eating disorders and obesity usually lies in some combination of psychosocial, environmental, and genetic or biological attributes. Individuals who suffer from psychological disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety, and eating disorders) may have more difficulty controlling their consumption of food, exercising an adequate amount, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Food is often used as a coping mechanism by those with weight problems, particularly when they are sad, anxious, stressed, lonely, and frustrated. In many obese individuals there appears to be a perpetual cycle of mood disturbance, overeating, and weight gain. When they feel distressed, they turn to food to help cope, and though such comfort eating may result in temporary attenuation of their distressed mood, the weight gain that results may cause a dysphoric mood due to their inability to control their stress. The resulting may leade to a continuous pattern of “using food to cope with emotions”. This pattern is particularly applicable if there is a genetic predisposition for obesity or a “toxic” environment in which calorically dense foods are readily available and physical activity is limited.

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de giulia rusciano -

In my opinion, obesity should be treated as a medical and psychological problem. After watching this video, it seems clear to me that every case should be analysed as a different one: Jennifer was able to lose weight but she needed a surgical resolution to her problem. I believe that gastric bypass surgery should be considered as the last choice as it radically affects patient's life for ever ; on the other hand this surgery is really efficient for patients that are not able to maintain their weight steady. In conclution, I do not completely agree with Jennifer because I think that doctors have to show all the other options to solve obesity before suggesting gastric bypass surgery.

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de claudia russiello -
Obesity is a complex problem. It’s difficult to identify all its causes. Hormone or genetic factors may stimulate the recruitment of food in uncontrolled way. Also anxiety, stress, particular drugs, together with the sentence and bad food habits can determine serious problems. Obesity is responsible for very dangerous consequences: high blood pressure, infetto, cardiac problems, tumors, diabetes. These conditions are responsible for depression, which is influenced by the way where others see you. In my opinion, we should prevent obesity and its consequences with improvement of lifestyles and above all with the help of experts who accompany patients in a mental care.
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de claudia ricci -
In my opinion obesity is both a behavioural issue and a medical problem. Obesity goes beyond aesthetic factors, it is a matter of health causing multi-organ disease. Therefore it should be treated with gastric bypass surgery in severe cases but also with a healthy lifestyle which includes physical exercise and regular diet.

Patient's mentality should change first, in order to reach the goal as in Jennifer's case. If  patients  fail in changing their habits, they are destined  to make the same mistakes over and over. In conclusion the problem must be solved not only from a clinical perspective but also from a phycological one.

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de marica vavallo -
In my opinion obesity is primarily a medical problem and it should be considered as a multi-factorial disease (including genetics, lifestyle and psychic conditions). Bariatric surgery is required in patients who have already tried slimming diets under medical control and who have not managed to lose weight. In this patients the risks associated with obesity (e.g. cardiac) outweigh the gastric bypass surgery ones. Finally, we must bear in mind the positive implication at such surgery an have on psyche of a patient who have to struggle with this pathology. 
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de alessandra zeni -

I agree with Jennifer's opinion. I think that her message is very important: "Obesity is a problem as just another problem and people are entitled to a service that can help them to improve the quality of their lives."

Even though surgery is an effective cure of obesity it has correlated risks. I think that it should be the last treatment to it. Appropriate diet, a healthy lifestyle and a psychological therapy help obesity patients to lose weight in many cases. 

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de lorenzo santodirocco -

For me, obesity can be considered both a medical problem and a behavioral issue. In fact, it is related to a lot of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems, arthritis, certain types of cancer and so on. But as we can learn from Jennifer’s story, it’s so simple to gain weight again, and that’s the reason why, for me, obesity is a behavioral issue too. You had to be constantly focused on what are your goals: be healthy, feel comfortable with yourself and among other people; so your nutrition approach changes everything.
In my opinion, we mustn’t underrate this problem and start to teach to the children about nutrition education. In the end, I think that the surgical operation should be the last option, and the patient must improve his/her lifestyle, maybe thanks to the support of who surround him/her.

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de andrea riserbato -

I partially agree with the thought of Jennifer. In fact I consider obesity both a 'medical' problem, due to genetic causes, and a 'behavioral' issue, determined by people's lifestyle, and I agree with the idea that obesity is given by a set of difficult factors to keep all together under control. But I think that we should get to the 'Gastric bypass surgery' only as a last solution because it can both help a person to improve their lifestyle but at the same time make it more rigid and limiting.

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de daniele scuto -

In my opinion obesity has its origin in a neurophysiological pathway: the mesolimbic pathway. It connects VTA in the midbrain to the ventral striatum, nucleus accumbens; sometimes referred as reward pathway or center and it plays a role in the perception of pleasure and the dysregulation of this pathway and its output neurons in nucleus accumbens, plays a significant role in development and maintenance of addiction, like food addiction.

In conclusion the role of this pathway combined with ambiental and genetic factors underpin this complex pathology

bacini a tutti
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de vittoria strinati -

I think that most of the time obesity is a behavioral issue but sometimes obesity it's a medical problem too. Maybe the first approach should focus on the  patient's psychology, his diet and sport habits; it's important that these patients relize the implications of an unhealthy lifestyle that could bring to death at a young age. So I think that obese people should change their habits, having a sporty life and this means a great determination. Many times this is not enough and it depends on people's motivation and not only. In this case the surgery could be the solution, but I think that the patient has to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle after the  gastric bypass surgery too. 

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de marisole toni -

Of course Obesity is a medical problem, but not only that. Obesity is a medical problem because it can cause a lot of health problems: cardiac problems at first, but also cancers and respiratory diseases. I think that obesity has to be considered not only as an excess weight, but also as a result of an uncorrect style of life. Often it due to many psychological and physiological aspects that have to be faced all together in the therapy. In this outlook, surgical operation and psycological therapy can be part of the startegies utilised to solve the medical problem of obesity.

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de lucrezia spagnoli -

I think that obesity is both a medical and a behavioral issue, because it is related to a lot of different medical problems and illnesses but it probably starts from a psychological distress in most cases. That's why I think it should be treated as a psychological problem first, and if that isn't enough, as a medical issue in order to avoid complications such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems and metabolic syndrome.

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de weili marco xu -

Obesity is certainly a medical problem that affects many people of any social status. I totally agree with Jennifer who says that many factors are involved with obesity and that people should be more comprehensive and more open minded when they talk about this medical issue. 

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de eleonora scarso -

According to Jennifer's words and to my personal knowledge, I think that obesity can be both a medical problem and a behavioral issue. In some cases, obesity is caused by hormonal dysfunctions or other health problems, so that people start gaining weight and they can't oppose this event. In other cases, obesity is the result of a mental disorder or a social discomfort, which leads the patient to eat almost compulsively, so much that they remain trapped in this vicious circle.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment


I think that obesity is both a  medical disease and behavioral disorder and needs  to be treated as a multifuncional disease; on top of it every case is different , whit it's own causes and characteristics, and has to be evaluated on its own.

Obesity is also a very diffuse social problem ,but in my opinion, as doctors we should concentrate primarly on the "medical side".

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment


I think obesity is both a medical problem and a behavioral issue. It often starts as behavioral disorder, due to psychological problems: depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Sometimes it's not easy to talk about pains so, many people eat to drown their feelings. Other people may feel so hopeless that don’t follow a diet because they think it’s only a waste of time. In fact often those people, in addition to follow a diet, must be followed by a psychologist. Actually obesity is a multifactorial disease: there may be a genetic predisposition, it can be caused by an excessive food’s consumption, sugar and salt's abuse, absence of physical activity. Eating excessively and incorrectly causes: type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases etc. So, in my opinion, obesity becomes also a medical problem: in the most serious obesity’s cases, it’s possible follow a pharmacological treatment or have gastric surgery. Obviously these therapies can be followed only by some people and must be well evaluated: they can present complications. I agree with Jennyfer’s choice, because she has tried many times to lose weight, without success: gastric surgery, in fact, can be considered even if you tried, unsuccessfully, any non-invasive treatment.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de emanuele scarpa -
There are many factors that can lead to severe obesity and, among them, we should mention genetics, methabolics and behavioral problems. Jennifer's case is mainly a matter of behavior and lifestyle, given that she managed to lose weight (through a hard workout) but then she gained it back very quickly; thus suggests that eating disorders can worsen our body shape in case of susceptibility. While she was in her "fit period" she felt weak and embarassed for every pound she gained, that is one problem we can consider as a psychological background that didn't help her during her way to normal weight. Gastric surgery should be the extrema ratio, a solution to adopt if all the other treatments have failed but, for sure, it's a chance we must consider in any of these cases. 
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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de gabriele tornese -

The choice of Jennifer to undergo surgery is a corageous choice, but for me it hides an enormous difficult in jennifer to try to resolve his situation only with a change of her lifestyle: in fact, for me, obesity disorder is in primis an important psychiatric disorder, which subtends a personal dissatisfaction for so many reasons, which can be about work or family. this disorder, obviously, if not treated correctly, can cause a lot of disorders, like metabolic syndrome, which coul carry so many problems to the patient and, in according to this, thisi is a psychiatric disorder . which can transofrm in a metabolic disorder, if not correctly treated.

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Re: 1.1-1.2 Video & Forum. "Obesity is a medical problem". Comment

de giuseppe spaziani -

obesity is certainly a medical problem: it represents a very important risk factor for various metabolic pathologies, including type II diabetes mellitus, which is a pathology with very high morbidity, especially in the western world. However, obesity can be considered as a behavioral issue, which depends on the current society, especially in industrialized countries where the Western diet proposes the so-called junk food. In fact it is to be considered a social problem because it is a phenomenon in constant growth since early childhood, seriously endangering the lives and development of children. For these reasons obesity is to be considered as a multifactorial pathology, which includes a genetic, mental and social component.

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de andrea spallino -

I think obesity is really one of mayors problem of our "occidental-fast-food" 's society, that paradoxically is obesity-phoebe, but brings mass to the excessive consumismo. This pathology, that obesity really is, is the previous step and the comorbidity of many others; we need to make a great prevention promuving an healthy lifestyle. I agree with Jennifer in many point of view, I think that  the single patient have to be treated by a multidimensional staff, for the psychological aspect, the educational one and eventually by the surgical approach too. 

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de martina turchetta -

Obesity is both a medical and behavior problem. It's a medical problem because of the complex management of the several comorbidies, like diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, joints pain and others. It's also a behavior problem because of the lack of food education and healty lifestyle.

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de francesca zantonelli -

I believe obesity should be considered a multifactorial disease. It's not only about a behaviour of eating much and maybe not eating healthy foods. It's also a medical condition that affects obese people and involve habits and also phsycology. I think the mental well-being of the patient should be implemented together with the eating habits to solve the problem. A rigid diet should not be the solution: a combination of a healthy diet, pshycological support and a good amount of physical activity should be considered a winner.

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de roberta rucci -

Jennifer's story is useful to open mind on obesity. The "quality of life" is certainly one of the most important negative consequences of obesity. Obese people evaluate the quality of life also from the ability to do small daily gestures that normal-weight people don't mind, such as being able to put on socks and shoes, or pick up their child. It's a poor quality of life the “trigger”to choose an effective and definitive remedy for the problem . The improvement of the quality of life is not automatic after surgery, the sudden decrease in weight is not in itself sufficient. It is necessary to modify all those maladaptive habits, consolidated during the "career" of obese people, who have contributed to maintaining the pathology, as well as redefining the post-intervention expectations regarding the relationship with one's self and with others. For this reason the presence of the psychologist, both in the pre and in the post-operative period, has a fundamental importance not only in the evaluation but also in the support to the patient if not considered momentarily ready for the intervention.

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de anna emilia maria pina scalmani -

obesity is a really complicated issue. I agree with Jennifer that people should be more open minded, I find that thinking obese people should basically get it together is a very common and easy thing to say, but it's completely false, rude and a very simplistic way of seeing things. obesity is a medical condition so it should be treated as one. obviously the patient's cooperation is key, as with many other diseases, and jennifer is a good example of a patient wanting to be healthier. 

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de piero serra -

Obesity is both: a medical problem and a behavioral issue. There are multifactorial causes about obesity and each patient must be treated in a specific way. There are genetic, metabolic, related to microbiota, psychological, pharmacological causes. As a medical problem it’s important that the doctor analyzes the patient to find the right therapy, as a behavior issue it’s also fundamental patient’s compliance to reach the aim with a correct lifestyle doing sport, a correct diet and without smoking.

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de donatella starnino -

Obesity is a serious problem that involves a lot of people and children too. it's a medical disease with multifactor pathogenesis and also the behavioral issue contributes.In my opinion because of the morbility and the mortality of this disease is very important to fight it and more important is to educate the population  to a healthy lifestyle. The education should start from the primary school because it's more difficult to change the wrong habits in a second moments.   


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In my opinion obesity  is a medical problem and behavioural issue and even a social issue it involves so many factor’s that needs our attention , it includes even traditional behaviour of a society and how much they put an effort to inform there people about the importance of eating clean , with simple educational guide lines we can improve the health of our society and reduce the medical costs.

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de claudio vitale -

Obesity, as a life-style behaviour disease, it has been defined as a recurrent chronic disease as a whole, with genetic and endocrine causes, given the case that the adipose tissue has been  revaluated as an endrocrine organ. However the economical and social aspect such as the hedonic function of food, the cultural level, the rising cost of healthy products, have a fundamental role in the distribution of the pathology; The therapy difficulty has its seed in the psichological aspect, in fact only 4% of patients actually heal from the disease. The surgery, for example the gastric bypass that Mrs Jennifer chose, is an adequate method both for the aim of losing weight and for the improvement of the psichological aspect, useful for the conservation of the weight lost. Anyway, the nutrition education is important from the youth, even because the obesity is often originated from the domestic environment.