Schedule for the next 3 weeks

Schedule for the next 3 weeks

by Enzo PASCALE -
Number of replies: 1

Hi all, 

Because lectures are suspended on the 27th of May we need to reschedule the lectures of Giuseppe Piccioni on the Solar System.

I understand that the lectures of Scaramella (Physical Cosmology) have ended, and we can use that space on the Thursday and on the Friday.

So, here is my suggestion:

Mon 20th May: Diego Tuttini - Planet formation

Tue 21th May: Diego Tuttini - Planet formation

Mon 27th May: no lecture

Tue 28th May: Enzo Pascale - exoplanet interior 

Mon 3rd June: Enzo Pascale - exoplanet atmospheres

Tue 4th June: Enzo Pascale - exoplanet atmospheres

Thu 6th June: Giuseppe Piccioni - Solar System 

Fri 7th June: Giuseppe Piccioni - Solar System

I hope this is OK for you. Following the cancellation on the 27th it has been difficult to find dates when G. Piccioni is available and this works for him. Note that in this way we end the lectures one week earlier, so you have more time to prepare exams this term. However, if you have problems with this schedule, I ask you to let me know immediately, by end of today, because of G. Piccioni's availability.

I will in any case be in the laboratory on the 12th of June, and you can drop by should you have any question.




In reply to Enzo PASCALE

Re: Schedule for the next 3 weeks

by Enzo PASCALE -

Hi all,

I confirm that the schedule for the next weeks is as follow:

Mon 27th May: no lecture

Tue 28th May: Enzo Pascale - exoplanet interior - 0900-1100Laboratorio di calcolo

Mon 3rd June: Enzo Pascale - exoplanet atmospheres - 0900-1100 Aula 8

Tue 4th June: Enzo Pascale - exoplanet atmospheres - 0900-1100 Laboratorio di calcolo

Thu 6th June: Giuseppe Piccioni - Solar System - 1400-1600 Aula Careri

Fri 7th June: Giuseppe Piccioni - Solar System - 0900-1100 Aula Rasetti

------- END OF LECTURES  -----

Mon 10th June: I will be in class for those people that do have questions on the course material, the exercises or have a desire to go through the optional exercise set. We will meet in Laboratorio di calcolo and NOT in aula 8 for this event. From 0900 to 1100