General objective of the course is to familiarise with advanced deep learning techniques based on differentiable neural network models with different learning paradigms; to acquire skills in modelling complex problems, through deep learning technique
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The course will mainly focus on: - mean-field methods to treat electron-electron interactions- magnetism- transport theory (Boltzmann equation)

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The aim of this course is to provide a description of the physical processes and astrophysical observations which underlie our present understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies.

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Corso di fisica fondamentale per applicazioni astrofisiche. 
Introduzione al plasma e applicazioni astrofisiche; magnetoidrodinamica; richiami di relatività ristretta; trasporto radiativo, principali processi astrofisici.

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Gli obiettivi principali di Physics Laboratory I sono l'apprendimento dei principi fisici sull'interazione fra radiazione elettromagnetica o particelle e la materia, dei principi di funzionamento di sorgenti di particelle e di rivelatori e di tec
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WELOCOME TO ENGLISH B2Following the relevant LEARNING OBJECTIVES:Specific objectivesA. Knowledge and comprehension skills-- Knowledge of the main English grammatical structures and of the sectorial language pertaining to the field of Physics and
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This is the elearning page of the second part of the course of Mathematical Physics, mainly focused on the study of models arising in fluid mechanics and kinetic theory.
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Introduction to advanced aspects of Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
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General objective of the course is to familiarise with advanced deep learning techniques based on differentiable neural network models with different learning paradigms; to acquire skills in modelling complex problems, through deep learning technique
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Il corso costituisce un'introduzione all'astrofisica degli oggetti compatti (nane bianche, stelle di neutroni e buchi neri) e e dei processi altamente energetici (dal radio ai raggi X e gamma, fino alle onde gravitazionali) che ne caratterizzano l'em
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The course will mainly focus on: - mean-field methods to treat electron-electron interactions- magnetism- transport theory (Boltzmann equation)
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COMPUTATIONAL BIOPHYSICS (CB_23_24) SYLLABUS doing physical  biology with models and computers: from the Born-Oppenheimer approximation to molecular dynamics; from the space of biological sequences to integrative modelling of syst
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The goal of the course is to provide the students with the theoretical background and the hands-on experience of two numerical approaches to treat the quantum-many body problem in condensed matter: (a) Density Functional Theory, i.e. the current
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BIOPHYSICA COMPUTAZIONALE   A.A. 2017-2018, 6 ECTS. A course for the Master Program in Physics is given in the 1st semester and is pivotal for the curriculum in biosystems and part of an integrated syllabus together with courses in BIO
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Corso di fisica fondamentale per applicazioni astrofisiche. 
Introduzione al plasma e applicazioni astrofisiche; magnetoidrodinamica; richiami di relatività ristretta; trasporto radiativo processi astrofisici.

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Knowledge of the physical principles of the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and particles with matter. Knowledge of the laboratory techniques and of their fundamentals, in order to prepare a laboratory experience on the following course
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Physics Laboratory II Curriculunm Biosystems 2023-2024docente: Alessandro Nucara

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Generalities 1) Probe-Target Interaction; Equilibrium and non Equilibrium dynamics; 2) Scattering Matrix and Linear Response Theorem; Detailed Balance Theorem; Correlation Functions and Spectroscopies; 3) Time Domain and Frequency Domain Spe
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General objective of the course is to familiarise with advanced deep learning techniques based on differentiable neural network models with different learning paradigms; to acquire skills in modelling complex problems, through deep learning technique
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The course is thought to be an introduction to models in statistical physics where the disorder plays a central role: these are not only disordered physical systems but also problems where the presence of frustration and/or the lack of perfect knowle
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Corso di letture (Reading Course) sul tema della geometria delle teorie di Yang-Mills classiche.   Il corso consiste di tre lezioni introduttive del docente (nel periodo novembre-dicembre 2022) seguite da un ciclo di seminari tenuti dai
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COMPUTATIONAL BIOPHYSICS PROSPECTIVE  PROGRAM  (CB_22_23) doing physical  biology with models and computers: from the Born-Oppenheimer approximation to molecular dynamics; from the space of biological sequences to integ
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Materiale didattico per il corso di Laboratorio di Calcolo Avanzato, AA 2022-23
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General formalism of Quantum Field Theory.

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Modulo Fisica Moderna
Il corso fornisce le conoscenze necessarie per l’insegnamento della fisicamoderna nelle scuole superiori anche attraverso lo svolgimento di specifiche esperienze di laboratorio.Al termine del corso lo studente avrà acqui
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BIOPHYSICS, PRELIMINARY PROGRAM A.A. 2016-2017, 6 ECTS. a course for the Master Program in Physics and the AtoSim Erasmus Mundus Master, given in the 2nd semester: from the 6thof march 2017 to the first of june 2017. Time schedule: mon.
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Questo corso è un insegnamento avanzato che ha lo scopo di guidare gli studenti nel territorio all'interfaccia tra la fisica statistica e il machine learning introducendo nozioni avanzate di meccanica statistica di equilibrio e fuori equilibrio dei
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The main objective of this course is to provide an introduction to up-to-date computational methods currently used at the front line of research in different fields of Physics; this is why four independent courses (channels) are offered under the sam
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Corso di fisica fondamentale per applicazioni astrofisiche. 
Introduzione al plasma e applicazioni astrofisiche; magnetoidrodinamica; richiami di relatività ristretta; trasporto radiativo processi astrofisici.

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The course will cover the physics of particle detectors and particle accelerators. It will introduce the experimental techniques used in nuclear, particle physics and photon science, and describe the layout and functionality of modern experiments. Hi
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L'obiettivo generale del corso è quello di acquisire familiarità con tecniche avanzate di deep learning basato su modelli di reti neurali differenziabili con differenti paradigmi di apprendimento; acquisire competenze di modellizzazione di problemi
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