code checking

code checking

by Enzo PASCALE -
Number of replies: 0

As discussed yesterday in class, I have created a Google drive folder where you can upload your code. Please, avoid sending me emails about this, because it will become impossible to me to keep track of the communications. Instead, please do the following

1) Do this if you are seeking my advise  to make your exercise code work

2) Create a new folder named after you

3) upload the code in the newly created folder. Make sure that your code has a name, and a version number in it. For instance it could be something like In this way it would be easier to track changes etc

4) In the same folder, create a google document following the same name scheme (EPascale_exervise3, no versioning is needed) and add your question in there

Here is a link to the drive

I'll add these notes on elearning as well for future reference