Using Mendeley to insert citations

Using Mendeley to insert citations

بواسطة - Huon Snelgrove
عدد الردود: 0

Using Bibliographic Software




Some students have had problems inserting citations using Microsoft Word. You need to learn to use Mendeley to complete the short summary exercises  for each module online.So here is some help to solve the problem. After you download the free software 'Mendeley Desktop,' follow these instructions.


1.     Download the Microsoft Word plug in for your browser from the link below

2.     The plug-in gives you a link to Mendeley from your Microsoft Word  toolbar.

3.     From the menu choose the citation style (e.g. ‘Nature) for a Word document, or Harvard for a Power point presentation.

4.     Put the cursor where you want to insert the references in your document

5.     From the menu  slect ‘Insert citation >Go to Mendeley and select the paper (or papers) you want to cite. Select the  ‘Cite’ icon from the menu in your library. Mendeley will insert in-text numbers1

6.     At the end of your work write the word ‘References,’  then select ‘Insert bibliography from the plug in menu in Word

 References        (example using citation style ‘Nature’)

1.        Alon, U. How to choose a good scientific problem. Mol. Cell 35, 726–728 (2009).