Dear Students,
Welcome! On this site you will find the exercises and tasks for the online course for this semester. There are 4 lessons. Each lesson has some kind of health-related problem to examine. Reading medical texts and searching online for evidence are key skills in every lesson.
Some videos are included around the themes on each lesson and these have online questions for you to answer after watching them. Some may be difficult, but don't worry, the questions are usually easy in that case.
Other videos offer tutorials to develop your search skills. For example, the Medline lesson directs you to a number of short videos to learn how to use the largest medical database of evidence in the world: Medline.
For some lessons you may have to download a PDF document with further instructions and study notes. Read them carefully and follow the instructions.
Try to complete the exercises by the end of the semester. This means at least one lesson per month. You should complete all the exercises online. However, keep a copy of Portfolio exercises on your own computers for back up. Credits will be given for successful completion of all the exercises online and the completion of portfolio summaries. Read the PDF documents in the lessons for more details.
Buon Lavoro!
Huon Snelgrove