Fashion studies

LM-65 29964
HISTORY CULTURES IDENTITIES 24 (code 10589657)The course presents a methodological introduction of studies on identities and cultures from West to East, with general references to the civilizations in the Modern and Contemporary Age, and the articula
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This course invites to explore the environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry, embracing 'less is more' and 'quality over quantity.’ Into this diversified scenario the themes of local and handcrafts are configuring as the more ad
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The course presents a methodological introduction of studies on identities and cultures from West to East, with general references to the civilizations in the Modern and Contemporary Age, and the articulation of cultural history throughout the elemen
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Fashion is a complex socio/economic phenomenon with important interpersonal implications. Some of these implications are shared with other art forms and critically relate to consumers' choices when evaluating products to purchase. People may consid
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The course presents a methodological introduction of studies on identities and cultures from West to East, with general references to the civilizations in the Modern and Contemporary Age, and the articulation of cultural history throughout the elemen
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History cultures identitiesa.a.: 2021/2022 - anno di corso: 2Settore SPS/06 - CFU 6 - Semestre I - Codice 10589657Note insegnamento:Cdl associati VisualizzaProgrammaE’ prevista un’introduzione metodologica degli studi sulle identità e
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The technological changing has invested all the field of design, including the Fashion one. This has determinate an evolution of the classical professionals and tools and it has given the possibilities to research new strategies and to develop mor
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The course is meant to provide a historical and methodological introduction to the main topics of art in the second half of 20th century, of its relationship with other arts and with the general historical context. Movements such as Abstrac
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The course presents a methodological introduction of studies on identities and cultures from West to East, with general references to the civilizations in the Modern and Contemporary Age, and the articulation of cultural history throughout the elemen
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The course objective is to provide students with the first basic tools to tackle Fashion and Costume Design. Teachers will illustrate the elements needed to represent and communicate typical cultural scenarios and design ideas as well as teaching
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This course provides students with a number of theoretical approaches to critically assess how digital connective media function and their expanding and expansive role in contemporary consumption culture. The course further investigates
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Fashion is a complex socio/economical phenomenon with important interpersonal implications that shares with the other arts the beauty experience. Beauty is a basic pleasure that is often compromised in several diseases such as profound depression. Al
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The course objective is to provide students with the first basic tools to tackle Fashion and Costume Design. Teachers will illustrate the elements needed to represent and communicate typical cultural scenarios and design ideas as well as teaching stu
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