Moodle page with the teaching material for the Smart Enrivonments course A.A. 23_24

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This is the moodle page for the Network Infrastructures course 23/24 edition.Teachers Francesca Cuomo and Marco Polverini.

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The class is focused on the foundational aspects and on the formal/mathematical semantics of concurrent systems. The class is structured in two main parts. The first part describes the main characteristics and the basilar problems of every concu
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Moodle page for the Smart Environments Course (Data Science) A.A. 22-23

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Network infrastructures course 22_23

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Subsidiary Formative Activity course in "Fog/Edge-computing and Artificial intelligence: design of algorithms and mechanisms to enable the smart world"
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OVERVIEW This is "yet another" e-learning platform for  the course Cloud Computing for Data  Science, Computer Science and Cyber Security Master program platform is use
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For all the information about the course, please refer to
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SOCIAL AND BEHAVIOURAL NETWORKSA.A. 2018 - 2019Year 2 - Term 1 -  ( October 8  -  December 19 )2018Prof. Giovanni Stilo

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il corso intende discutere criticamente le questioni giuridiche nell'attualità degli algoritmi, dove una posizione rilevante assume l'informatica giuridica
the course intends to critically discuss legal issues in the current situation of algorith
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