Section 2: Papers list ready today, paper selection process starts tomorrow

Section 2: Papers list ready today, paper selection process starts tomorrow

di Mario Gianni -
Numero di risposte: 0

Dear All,

following this link:

you can find the paper list of the "AI Models and Methods in Safety-Critical Robotic Applications" seminars section that will be presented and discussed in the next weeks.
The finalized schedule will be given once the paper selection process will be completed.

Papers are divided by subject, for each paper there is a link to the pdf: have a look to the abstract of the papers you are interest for a better decision making.

The paper selection process will be start tomorrow, Thursday, 11 May 2017, 8:00 PM through the course moodle page with a policy "first-come, first-served".

You find there two links to the polls:

Section 2: Paper selection for the presentation
Section 2: Paper selection for the discussion

For each pool, you can only pick one paper of the ones still remaining.
Please DO NOT choose the same paper for both presentation and discussion!

The paper selection process will end Tuesday 16 May 2017, 12:00 PM (strict deadline).

Good luck!
Mario Gianni

(Modificato da Mario Gianni - intervento originale effettuato il giovedì, 9 marzo 2017, 17:55)