IMPORTANT: New course schedule and new rules

IMPORTANT: New course schedule and new rules

de Alberto Pretto -
Número de respuestas: 0

Dear All,

as mentioned in the last class, from the survey results you have generally accepted to move the Wednesday's lecture to Thursday but there is a new problem so please read carefully the rest of this message.

This year Seminars' course has more than 36 students. Last year Seminars had no more than 20 students, so this is a great success that on the other hand requires a very strict schedule. Three presentations per lecture means at least 12 lectures to allow each students to present a paper, this only for section 1 (Computer Vision for Intelligent Robotics).

Two classes a week are not enough... so this is the only solution I've found:

  • There will be three classes per week
  • Every week you have to follow at least two lectures at your choice

This is the new Seminars schedule:

  •  Wednesday h. 10-12 room A7
  • Thursday h. 17:30 - 19 room to be defined
  • Friday h. 12:30-14 room A6

So Thursday's lecture will not replace the Wednesday's lecture, it is just a one more lecture.

About next week: there will be class only on Wednesday March 8, since Thursday March 9 there is the OpenDIAG while Friday 10 I will be out of office.
