Although I have never dedicated myself to them seriously, because of laziness and shortage of time, I think that young people should mostly take up outdoor activities that involve the contact with nature, like climbing or swimming. But there is one particular activity I have always appreciated and never done, that is gardening.
Probably I have been prevented from doing it by the wrong general conviction which looks at gardening as an activity just for old people. Instead, this activity would allow young people to disconnect themselves from their stressful and frenetic life, made up of exams, arguments with friends, sport competitions, job problems, and to relax themselves in the middle of a peaceful and quite atmosphere.
However, it is not only a relaxing activity, but also healthy and satisfying. In fact, if you have the green thumb, you are able to make flowers, plants and trees grow successfully, as if they were your own creatures. Through gardening, you can give life to something that will gradually develop by itself.
Moreover, this activity would enrich young people and their general knowledge, allowing them to learn how nature works, its needs , steps and infinitive varieties.
Gardening is also useful for young people because it makes them understand what perseverance means: if you want to reach something, you have to be steady and patient.
For all these reasons, I believe that gardening is something really formative and restful .