What aspect of the Italian educational system would you change? Explain. Write your comments in the discussion forum.

What aspect of the Italian educational system would you change? Explain. Write your comments in the discussion forum.

by gianluca tatarelli -
Number of replies: 0

First of all, I have to say that I wish a radical change in the Italian educational system. Indeed, I don’t agree on school’s programmes and teaching methods. Concerning school’s programmes, in my opinion all students, who are going to be citizens of a nation, have to receive the same basic education. It’s unacceptable that adults don’t have some fundamental knowledges about the history of their country, about their native tongue, and generally speaking all the means that make a human being a conscious man. Referring to particular knowledges, I believe that a student has to study humanities with great dedication and the bases of scientific subjects until the age of nineteen. Furthermore, I’d like to underline the outstanding importance of receiving a political and moral education, especially in our times, when relativism has become an excuse for mighty people to make their interests. For what concerns the methods, I think that educators have to get a training to learn teaching, because it’s not enough having the knowledges about your own subject, but it’s also necessary having the competences to do your job. In the end, children and teenagers attending school should understand the relevance of their studies.