The key word is balance

The key word is balance

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These three parts are really important in our lives because they intervene in each circumstance, they influence our experiences irremediably and in different ways, but also they influence themselves mutually.

 In fact when we are sick or we don't have time (and more often goodwill) to cure our body, the mind suffers from this and it is not able to think well as usual and our mood changes inevitably. The mind needs of the good health of body. Vice versa when we cure only our body we are not able to live a real life because we live in the surface without understanding the depths and the reasons of events, scilicet we live like animals. 

 Also if we live our lives worrying about body and mind but not emotions (that are the soul) we will not be able to appreciate people that surround us, happy moments and all good but also sad things that happen to us, that make up life. In a few words we live as robots. 

So, if we don't want to live as animals or robots we have to use all of three parts and these ones not only are essential but also equally important: we have to learn to live in a balance of mind, body and soul. In conclusion the key word of the entire speech is the word “balance”.