I think that leisure time plays an important part in our life. In the history leisure time has changed and it has hired different shapes adapting to different ages. For example, our grandparents went to the cinema or they did a walk in their leisure time. The next generation, that is one of our parents, instead, went dancing in the disco or it went to watch the football match. Nowadays these hobbies still exist, but other activities are added to the list of leisure time. In fact, the most of young people spend a lot of time surfing on Internet and chatting on social networks. Besides I think that today young people also do sports more than in the past, because they almost always do a sports activity in the afternoon, while in the past this wasn't so popular. Definitely leisure time has changed, because the activities to do has changed, but one element is constant in every age, that people want to spend own leisure time doing something they love or going out with their friends.