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Ultima modifica (valutazione)Ordina per Ultima modifica (valutazione) Crescente
Valutazione finale
hanaa ahmed mohamed ayoubhanaa ahmed mohamed ayoub --
SERENA SUZUE USAMISERENA SUZUE USAMI 15,00 / 15,00venerdì, 17 novembre 2023, 18:29
(496 parole)
sabato, 18 novembre 2023, 11:34-
giada vallecocciagiada vallecoccia --
chiara de vecchischiara de vecchis --
MARIANNA VERONICA GASSOMARIANNA VERONICA GASSO 15,00 / 15,00venerdì, 17 novembre 2023, 23:26
(500 parole)

The article 2 TEU indicates a common set of values that the EU must comply with and defend. It emphasizes that the values, as the ...

sabato, 18 novembre 2023, 11:36-
Claudia Adamoclaudia adamo 14,00 / 15,00domenica, 12 novembre 2023, 12:20
(408 parole)

As the European Court of Justice affirms, the European Union can be defined as a common legal order, as far as it is provided with ...

domenica, 26 novembre 2023, 12:31-
marco tabogamarco taboga 14,00 / 15,00venerdì, 17 novembre 2023, 21:16
(497 parole)

A recent ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) highlights the fundamental importance of the values enclosed in Article 2 of the...

domenica, 26 novembre 2023, 12:32-
simone de ascentiissimone de ascentiis 15,00 / 15,00venerdì, 17 novembre 2023, 12:52
(489 parole)

In a statement from a recent ECJ ruling is possible to understand how Article 2 TEU plays a fundamental role in shaping the identity of...

sabato, 18 novembre 2023, 11:42-
Viktoriya BolbokaVIKTORIYA BOLBOKA 15,00 / 15,00martedì, 14 novembre 2023, 11:10
(500 parole)

Respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights – these are all the values that are...

sabato, 18 novembre 2023, 11:44-
GIORGIA LUGLINIGIORGIA LUGLINI 14,00 / 15,00venerdì, 17 novembre 2023, 17:47
(497 parole)

The values contained in Article 2 of the Treaty of European Union are “the very identity of the EU as a common legal order” about the ...

domenica, 26 novembre 2023, 12:34-