مخطط الموضوع
General information
Schedule. Monday (16-18) and Thursday (14-16)
17/1/17; 9/2/17; 11/5/17(R); 13/6/17; 12/7/17; 8/9/17; 9/11/17(R)Book. The main references are:
- Macroeconomic paradigms and economic policy (Acocella, N., G. Di Bartolomeo, A. Hughes Hallett), Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- Monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle (J. Galí), Princeton University Press, 2nd Edition, 2015
Reference: Acocella et al. (2016) [Chapter 2]
Reference: Acocella et al. (2016) [Chapter 3]
Reference: Acocella et al. (2016) [Chapter 4]
Reference: Acocella et al. (2016) [Chapter 5]
Good luck!!!
Good luck!!!
(not mandatory)
After Class 3