Lauree Magistrali
Lauree Magistrali
1. IntroductionThe technology-employment nexus: competing viewsClassical, neoclassical, Keynesian and Evolutionary approaches SBTC, RBTC model and beyond Robots and employment ReferencesCalvino, F., & Virgillito, M. E. (2018). The
More InfoMain info:
Academic Year: 2024/2025; Curriculum: FINASS; Semester: Fall; Timetable: Tuesday, 12-14 (room DIDALAB)Wednesday 10-12 (room Aula Master MEMOTEF)Thursday, 10-12 (room DIDALAB)
Aims of the course:
This course aim
More InfoAcademic Year: 2024/2025; Curriculum: FINASS; Semester: Fall; Timetable: Tuesday, 12-14 (room DIDALAB)Wednesday 10-12 (room Aula Master MEMOTEF)Thursday, 10-12 (room DIDALAB)
Aims of the course:
This course aim
The objective of the course is to introduce the language of probability and to describe the simplest stochastic models for the evolution of phenomena over time. The knowledge acquired will serve as a foundation for future courses and work, in particu
More InfoIl corso si propone di fornire agli studenti conoscenze teoriche ed evidenze empiriche per comprendere il processo di integrazione economica europea e le principali politiche economiche. Gli studenti apprenderanno gli obiettivi della politica fiscale
(6 CFU; Anno
Accademico 2024/25; I Semestre)
Docente: Marco Di Pietro Orario lezioni: Mer
More InfoDocente: Marco Di Pietro Orario lezioni: Mer
Welcome to the 2024 course of European Union Law!This year's program will be focused on three parts:1. The EU, its institutions, legal system and fundamental principles, jurisdictional protection, competences, legal sources and fundamental rights.2.
More InfoCrash Course of Mathematics AA 2024-2025Faculty of Economics
More InfoBenvenuta/o al corso di Popolazione e Sviluppo Sostenibile
More InfoCourse Competencies
Mastering state–of–the art
modelling approaches and research methodology in macroeconomics and
finance. EcoPol is intended for master students, serving as a bridge
between intermediate-level macroeconomic
More InfoCorso di marketing omnicanale
More InfoThis course is designed for learners of advanced English who
want to function effectively in an international business environment by
developing both their English language & communication skills and their intercultural
competence. By the end
More InfoSTATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND DECISION MAKING - 6 CFUEconomics and communication for management and innovation10592727 Knowledge and understandingThis course aims at introducing students with useful statistical methods for describing and analysing
module puts innovation management into the emerging complex context and shows
the importance of innovation in the era of digitization and globalization.
In this module students are introduced to a wide range
of concepts i
More InfoTime Series and Financial Time Series – Nina Deliu.
Academic Year: 2023/2024; Curriculum: FINASS; Semester: Fall; Timetable: Tuesday 12-14 (DIDALAB); Thursday 10-12 (DIDALAB); Friday 12-14 (8A).
More InfoAcademic Year: 2023/2024; Curriculum: FINASS; Semester: Fall; Timetable: Tuesday 12-14 (DIDALAB); Thursday 10-12 (DIDALAB); Friday 12-14 (8A).
Conoscenza e capacità acquisite:
Lo studente
al termine del corso sarà in grado di:
· comprendere le principali tipologie di rischi degli intermediari
finanziari (di credito, di concentrazione, mercato,
More InfoIl corso di MANAGEMENT AMBIENTALE PER LA SOSTENIBILITA (9 CFU) fornisce agli studenti le
conoscenze necessarie sui temi importanti quali il management ambientale, l’economia
ambientale, l’economia circolare, la green economy, e la sostenibilitÃ
More InfoThe course of ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY provides students with the necessary knowledge on important topics such as environmental management, environmental economics, circular economy, green economy, and sustainability. Other importa
More InfoIl corso ha lo scopo di fornire agli studenti un'introduzione alla moderna teoria macroeconomica dinamica, permettendogli di comprendere e analizzare criticamente i modelli di Equilibrio Generale Dinamico Stocastico (Dynamic Stochastic General E
More InfoSYLLABUS:COURSE FORMATIVE OBJECTIVES: The objective is that the student learns to operate communication & marketing strategies with a specific focus on corporate communications manager responsibilities and daily work INTENDED LEAR
More InfoThis is the first course in Macroeconomic Financial Accounts and covers the following topics: 1) financial systems at
glance; 2) deriving net lending and net borrowing; 3) financial transactions,
instruments, and interconnections; 4) stocks an
More InfoThe objective of the course is making the student able to apply the basic methods of econometrics and to perform an empirical analysis of simple economic and financial phenomena. These phenomena may concern both macro and micro aspects of the economy
More InfoCourse Competencies
Mastering state–of–the art
modelling approaches and research methodology in macroeconomics and
finance. AMACRO is intended for master students, serving as a bridge
between intermediate-level macroeconomic
More InfoThis
course is intended to introduce students to the process of developing
and managing
Key concepts are:
to business
communication the
market evolution is ch
More Info