Indice degli argomenti
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Dipartimento SAIMLAL - Sezione di Istologia ed Embriologia Medica
via Scarpa 16, 00161 Roma Tel. 06 49 76 68 03 Fax 06 44 62 854
Dottorato di Ricerca in Morfogenesi e Ingegneria Tissutale
Coordinatore: Prof. Antonio Musarò,
Questo dottorato, afferente alla Scuola di dottorato in Biologia e Medicina Molecolare - BeMM, si propone di fornire gli strumenti conoscitivi, critici e metodologici per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca - di base, applicata, traslazionale - di elevato livello qualitativo nel settore biomedico, farmaceutico e biotecnologico. Per il conseguimento di questi obiettivi i corsi sono finalizzati all'acquisizione da parte dei dottorandi non solo di contenuti informativi, mutevoli per il rapido evolversi delle conoscenze, ma anche, soprattutto, di criteri valutativi per la individuazione di problemi specifici irrisolti alla luce delle conoscenze attuali e delle possibili strategie sperimentali per la loro soluzione.
Il dottorato è articolato in tre curricula:
Curriculum in Scienze Morfogenetiche e Citologiche Gli obiettivi formativi si articolano in linee di ricerca che consistono nello studio dei meccanismi che regolano il differenziamento di cellule somatiche in relazione a: a) l'espressione ed il mantenimento dello stato differenziato ed in particolare il ruolo regolativo di molecole informative attive nella miogenesi (AVP, TGFb e IGF I) e delle vie di trasduzione da esse attivate - in particolare di PKC. b) l'embriogenesi ed l'istogenesi, studiando in particolare i fenomeni di induzione e di determinazione delle strutture mesodermiche e la genesi ed il ruolo del compartimento staminale e dei precursori miogenici; c) l'identificazione dei meccanismi molecolari alla base del differenziamento mieloide della cellula staminale emopoietica in modelli di differenziamento mieloide e di leucemogenesi; d) l'ingegneria tessutale, in particolare costruzione di miotubi organizzati in una bio-struttura trapiantabile impiegati per la ri-colonizzazione funzionale del muscolo scheletrico e cardiaco, e studi di ricolonizzazione di scaffold muscolari de-cellularizzati; e) rimodellamento cardiaco, attraverso la caratterizzazione delle basi molecolari dello scompenso cardiaco, del ruolo di fattori infiammatori e di isoforme di PKC nell'instaurarsi dell'ipertrofia.
Curriculum in Scienze e Tecnologie Cellulari Le tematiche su cui è incentrato il percorso formativo di questo curriculum del Dottorato sono: a) la regolazione del ciclo cellulare e dell'apoptosi: studio di regolatori molecolari delle vie intrinseca ed estrinseca di induzione dell’apoptosi, rapporti con i meccanismi che regolano il ciclo, sistemi di protezione dalla morte cellulare; b) la biologia delle cellule staminali spermatogoniali, è volta all’isolamento e alla caratterizzazione delle cellule staminali della spermatogenesi nei mammiferi incluso l’uomo, prerequisiti per il loro potenziale utilizzo in terapia medica, per la cura e prevenzione dell’infertilità e nei tumori delle cellule germinali. c) la regolazione dell'espressione genica e del differenziamento, con interesse verso i meccanismi del differenziamento della linea germinale maschile e femminile durante lo sviluppo delle gonadi e i segnali molecolari paracrini della componente somatica. d) le interazioni cellulari e la morfogenesi, con riferimento allo sviluppo delle gonadi, l'istogenesi di specifiche popolazioni cellulari delle gonadi, i meccanismi morfogenetici nello sviluppo di tubuli seminiferi e follicoli ovarici; e) omeostasi tissutale e trasformazione neoplastica: meccanismi di interazione fra alterazioni dell’omeostasi tissutale indotte da stimoli infiammatori (citochine e/o agenti che mimano infezioni patogene) e carcinogenesi o progressione tumorale in linee cellulari di vari tipi di iperplasia e di carcinoma e in vivo in modelli murini di xenotrapianti o ortotopici; cross-talk tra le vie di segnalazione attivate dai recettori dell’immunità innata e dagli oncogeni nell’instaurarsi dei fenotipi trasformati; ruolo dei meccanismi immunosoppressivi attivati nelle cellule tumorali e strategie per ripristinare la sorveglianza immunitaria antitumorale.
Curriculum in Biofisica Cellulare e Tissutale Il Curriculum in Biofisica Cellulare e Tissutale ha l’obiettivo di avviare i propri studenti ad inserirsi nelle attività di ricerca scientifica e professionali, sviluppando le loro capacità di gestione autonoma, efficiente e critica di un progetto di ricerca originale grazie all'acquisizione di competenze in: - fondamenti di biologia, fisiologia, biochimica e biologia molecolare dell'uomo; - tecniche di acquisizione ed analisi di biosegnali e immagini di interesse biomedico; - tecniche di modellizzazione dinamica di biosistemi.
Modalità concorsuali:
vedere anche sezione specifica
Scuola di dottorato in Biologia e Medicina Molecolare - BeMM
Ph.D. School in Molecular Biology & Medicine - BeMM
"Sapienza" University of Rome
SAIMLAL Department - Histology and Medical Embryology Section - via Scarpa 16, 00161 Roma Tel. 06 49 76 68 03
PhD Program in Morphogenesis & Tissue Engineering
Coordinator: Prof. Antonio Musarò- email:
Reference person: Gabriella Fedele -- 06 4443 8104 (x28104) -
This PhD program is part of the School of Doctorate in Biology and Molecular Medicine. The overall aim of the PhD program is to provide cultural, analytical and methodological tools to perform high level-, basic- or traslational- or applied-, research in the biomedical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological fields.
For this purpose, the courses are aimed to teach the students not only notions (rapidly changing and evolving) but also: a) to acquire evaluation criteria to innovatively pinpoint unresolved issues, in specific fields; b) to design experimental strategies which address these issues.
Curriculum in Morphogenetic and Cytological Sciences The didactic aims of the PhD program are developed through research guidelines regarding the study of the mechanisms regulating somatic cell differentiation. In particular, the following research interests are pursued:
- Progression and maintenance of the differentiated state, through interaction between muscle cells and factors regulating myogenesis such as AVP, TGFbeta and IGF-I. Role of signal transduction pathways activated by IGF-I and TPA, through PKC isoforms.
- Embryogenesis and histogenesis. In particular, the mechanisms of induction and determination of mesodermal structures ,as well as of the genesis and role of stem and myogenic precursor cells.
- Identification of molecular mechanisms of myeloid differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells, exploiting models of normal myeloid differentiation and of leukemogenesis;
- Tissue engineering, with special interest for the construction of engineered myotubes organized into an implantable biostructure, and studies of re-colonization of decellularized scaffolds by myogenic cells;
- Molecular mechanisms of cardiac remodeling, homeostasis an hypertrophy.
Curriculum in Cell Sciences and Technologies The main areas of training for this curriculum are:
- Mechanisms controlling cell cycle and death, a primary interest being devoted to the study of molecular regulators of the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptosis pathways.
- Cell interactions and morphogenesis, with reference to the development of the gonads, the histogenesis of gonadic cell population and the morphogenesis of seminiferous tubules and ovarian follicles
- Biology of spermatogonial stem cell, with emphasis on the isolation and characterization of mammalian germline stem cells, prerequisite for their potential use in medical therapy of infertility and of testis germ cell tumors.
- Regulation of gene expression and cell differentiation, with reference to the mechanisms of male and female germline differentiation during gonads formation and paracrine signaling by somatic cells.
- Tissue homeostasis and malignant transformation: interplay between tissue homeostasis changes induced by inflammatory agents (cytokines and/or agents mimicking pathogen infections) and carcinogenesis or tumour progression in hyperplasic and carcinoma cells and in "in vivo" mouse models of orthotopic- and xeno-transplants; cross talk between signal pathways activated by receptors of innate immunity and oncogenes in the onset of transformed phenotype; immunosuppressive mechanisms developed by tumour cells and strategies to restore anti-tumour immunosurveillance.
Curriculum in Cell and Tissue Biophysics The educational focus of the Curriculum in BIOPHYSICS is the endorsement of scientific and professional skills in dealing with basic biophysical problems, paying special attention to the autonomous and appropriate appreciation of relevant issues. In particular, the realization of original research projects is encouraged and sustained in the following fields:
- mathematical modeling, multivariate statistics and biophysical chemistry;
- spectroscopical methods;
- human biology, molecular genetics and brain metabolism;
- dynamical simulations and modeling of biosystems at different dimensional scale.
Additional info at:
Admission Procedures
The announcement for the admission is published each year at
"La Sapienza” University announces each year an open, exam-based competition, for the admission to the current cycle of the Ph.D program. The call is usually published in June-July. It lists the "La Sapienza” University courses: perspective PhD students are encouraged to apply to Code: 26083 Morphogenesis and Tissue Engineering.
The date, the time and location of the oral exam (prova orale) are indicated together with contact person (referente) name, telephone number and email address.
Applications from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who hold an Italian “diploma di laurea/laurea specialistica/laurea magistrale”, or an equivalent second-level degree (generally equivalent to a Master’s Degree) obtained abroad (or expecting to receive their degree by October 31 of each year) are welcome. The equivalence of each qualification to the relevant Italian degree will be ascertained, for the sole admission to these competitions, by the Academic Board of the course, within the area of interuniversity agreements of cooperation and mobility.
Sede: Dipartimento di Scienze anatomiche, istologiche, medico-legali e dell'apparato locomotore
Coordinatore: Prof. Antonio Musarò
- Tipologia C: 1 borsa DM 351/2022 su specifica tematica – Ricerca PNRR CUP - B83C22003610006
- Tipologia F: 1 borsa esterna finanziata da ISS su specifica tematica
- Tipologia G: 7 borse Sapienza - 3 posti senza borsaLa scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è fissata inderogabilmente al 25 agosto 2022.
Deadline for documents presentation on August 25, 2022
Candidates wishing to apply for a PhD position can find information on the procedures, methods, and deadlines by connecting to the Sapienza website ( Call for applications of XXXVIII cycle.
The qualifications are estimated according to the evaluation criteria defined by the Doctoral Teaching Council (the evaluation grid is available in the call for applications).
Coordinatore/Coordinator: MUSARO’ ANTONIO
Pubblicazioni 2015-2017
Pubblicazioni dei Dottorandi in Morfogenesi e Ingegneria Tissutale
1. A. Del Fattore, R. Luciano, R. Saracino, G. Battafarano, C. Rizzo, L. Pascucci, G. Alessandri, A. Pessina, A. Perrotta, A. Fierabracci, M. Muraca. Differential effects of extracellular vesicles secreted by mesenchymal stem cells from different sources on glioblastoma cells. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2015 Apr;15(4):495-504.
2. Assenza M.R, et al. (2017) Critical role of Phosphodiesterase 2A in congenital heart defects. Abstract, Cardiovascular Development Meeting
3. Assenza M.R, et al. (2017) Critical role of Phosphodiesterase 2A in mouse congenital heart defects. Card. Res. submitted
4. Baccam A, Hassani M, Sviercovish-Benoni A, Adamo S, Moresi V, Coletti D. Basking in their Niche: Stem Cells with Myogenic Potential as a Target to Combat Cachexia. Curr Updates in Stem Cell Res and Ther. 2017, 1: 1.1
5. Baccam A, Ramella M, Boccafoschi F, Mericskay M, Li Z, Coletti D. Molecular pathways involved in the crosstalk between cytokines and mechanical cues in cancer cachexia. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2016 Sep; 7(4): 501–502. doi: 10.1002/jcsm.12141
6. Bellissimo T., Ganci F., Gallo E., Sacconi A., Tito C., De Angelis L., Pulito C., Masciarelli S., Diso D., Anile M., Petrozza V., Giangaspero F., Pescarmona E., Facciolo F., Venuta F., Marino M., Blandino G., and Fazi F. Thymic Epithelial Tumors phenotype relieson miR-145-5p epigenetic regulation. Mol Cancer. 2017 May 10;16(1):88.
7. Bellissimo T., Russo E., Ganci F., Vico C., Vitolo D., Anile M., Disio D., Marino M., Blandino G., Venuta F., Fazi F. Circulating miR-21-5p and miR-148a-3p as emerging non-invasive biomarkers in thymic epithelial tumors. Cancer Biology & Therapy; 2016, 17(1):79-82
8. Bellissimo T.; Ganci F.; Galllo E., Sacconi A.; Tito C.; De Angelis L.; Diso D.; Anile A.; Petrozza V.; Giangaspero F.; Pescarmona E.; Facciolo F; Venuta F; Marino M.; Blandino G.; Fazi F. Thymic Epithelial Tumors phenotype relies on miR-145-5p epigenetic regulation. Molecular Cancer; 2016
9. Bettiol M., Preziosi E., Cinti M. N., Borrazzo C., Fabbri A., Cassano B., Polito C., Pellegrini R. and Pani R., A Depth-of-Interaction encoding method for SPECT monolithic scintillation detectors. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION 2016, vol. 11(12); p. C12054-C12054, ISSN: 1748-0221, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/11/12/C12054.
10. Boffito M, Di Meglio F, Mozetic P, Giannitelli SM, Carmagnola I, Castaldo C, Nurzynska D, Sacco AM, Miraglia R, Montagnani S, Vitale N, Brancaccio M, Tarone G, Basoli F, Rainer A, Trombetta M, Ciardelli G, Chiono V. Polyurethane scaffolds surface functionalised with bioactive proteins: physicochemical properties and influence on the in vitro behaviour of human cardiac primitive cells. Biomaterials Science, under review.
11. Boitani C, Di Persio S, Esposito V, Vicini E. Spermatogonial cells: mouse, monkey and man comparison. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2016 Mar 5. pii: S1084-9521(16)30068-4. doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2016.03.002.
12. Brancaccio A, Palacios D. Chromatin signaling in muscle stem cells: interpreting the regenerative microenvironment. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015 Apr 7;7:36. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2015.00036.
13. C Boru, Pierro Giustacchini, Francesco Greco, Marco Raffaelli, Gianfranco Silecchia. Indications and outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy conversion to gastric bypass surgery: multicenter retrospective study. Sottoposta a pubblicazione agosto 2017 al Journal of Obesity Surgery
14. Cananzi FC, Mussi C, Bordoni MG, Marrari A, De Sanctis R, Colombo P, Quagliuolo V. Role of surgery in the multimodal treatment of primary and recurrent leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava. J Surg Oncol. 2016 Jul;114(1):44-9.
15. Capalbo A, Cimadomo D, Ubaldi FM, Rienzi L. Comprehensive chromosomal screening from polar body biopsy to blastocyst trophectoderm sampling: evidences and considerations, chapter 7 in Screening the Single Euploid Embryo: Molecular Genetics in Reproductive Medicine by E Scott. Springer ed. 1, 2015.
16. Capalbo A, Romanelli V, Cimadomo D, Girardi L, Stoppa M, Dovere L, Dell'Edera D, Ubaldi FM, Rienzi L. Implementing PGD/PGD-A in IVF clinics: considerations for the best laboratory approach and management. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2016 Oct;33(10):1279-1286.
17. Capalbo A, Treff NR, Cimadomo D, Tao X, Upham K, Ubaldi FM, Rienzi L, Scott RT Jr. Comparison of array comparative genomic hybridization and quantitative real-time PCR-based aneuploidy screening of blastocyst biopsies. Eur J Hum Genet. 2015 Jul;23(7):901-6. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2014.222.
18. Capalbo A, Ubaldi FM, Cimadomo D, Maggiulli R, Patassini C, Dusi L, Sanges F, Buffo L, Venturella R, Rienzi L. Consistent and reproducible outcomes of blastocyst biopsy and aneuploidy screening across different biopsy practitioners: a multicentre study involving 2586 embryo biopsies. Hum Reprod. 2016 Jan;31(1):199-208. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dev294.
19. Caporale A, Palombo M, Macaluso E, Guerreri M, Bozzali M, Capuani S. The γ-parameter of Anomalous Diffusion quantified in human brain by MRI depends on local magnetic susceptibility differences. NeuroImage. 2016 147: 619-631
20. Caporale A., Palombo M., Macaluso E., Guerreri M., Bozzali M., & Capuani S. (2017). The γ-parameter of anomalous diffusion quantified in human brain by MRI depends on local magnetic susceptibility differences. Neuroimage, 147, 619-631.
21. Capuani S., Guerreri M., Antonelli A., Bernardo S., Porpora M. G., Giancotti A., ... & Manganaro L. (2017). Diffusion and perfusion quantified by Magnetic Resonance Imaging are markers of human placenta development in normal pregnancy. Placenta, 58, 33-39.
22. Capuano E., Masciarelli S., Ottone T., Divona M., De Panfilis S., Noguera N.I., Lo-Coco F. and F. Fazi “Development of a combination strategy based on ER and oxidative stress in Acute Myeloid Leukemia”. 7th International Symposium on Acute Promyelocitic Leukemia. Rome, 24-27 September 2017
23. Capuano E., Masciarelli S., Ottone T., Divona M., De Panfilis S., Noguera N.I., Lo-Coco F. and F. Fazi “Development of a combination strategy based on ER and oxidative stress in Acute Myeloid Leukemia”. ABCD Congress. Bologna, 21-23 Settembre 2017
24. Cardinali B, Cappella M, Provenzano C, Garcia-Manteiga J, Lazarevic D, Cittaro D, Martelli F, Falcone G. MicroRNA-222 regulates muscle alternative splicing through Rbm24 during differentiation of skeletal muscle cells. Cell Death and Disease 2016; 7, e2086; doi:10.1038/cddis.2016.10
25. Cartocci G, Maglione A G, Rossi D, Modica E, Malerba P , Babiloni F. The influence of different cochlear implant features use on the mental workload index during a word in noise recognition task. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 60 - 66, 2016
26. Cartocci G, Maglione A G, Rossi D, Modica E, Malerba P , Babiloni F. The influence of different cochlear implant features use on the mental workload index during a word in noise recognition task. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 60 - 66, 2016
27. Cartocci G, Caratù M, Modica E, Maglione AG, Rossi D, Cherubino P, Babiloni F. Electroencephalographic, Heart Rate, and Galvanic Skin Response Assessment for an Advertising Perception Study: Application to Antismoking Public Service Announcements. JoVe. 2017 Aug 28; (126). Doi: 10.3791/55872
28. Cartocci G, Cherubino P, Rossi D, Modica E, Maglione A G, Di Flumeri G, Babiloni F . Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study. Epub 2016 May 26. Comput Intell. 2016;2016:3795325. doi: 10.1155/2016/3795325.
29. Cartocci G, Cherubino P, Rossi D, Modica E, Maglione A G, Di Flumeri G, Babiloni F . Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study. Epub 2016 May 26. Comput Intell. 2016;2016:3795325. doi: 10.1155/2016/3795325.
30. Cartocci G, Modica E, Rossi D, Maglione AG, Venuti I, Rossi G, Corsi E, Babiloni F. A pilot study on the neurometric evaluation of "effective" and "ineffective" antismoking public service announcements. Annual international conference of the IEEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2016 August; 2016:4597-4600. Doi: 1109/EMBC.2016.7591751
31. Cartocci, Giulia; Caratù, Myriam; Modica, Enrica; Maglione, Anton Giulio; Rossi, Dario; Cherubino, Patrizia; Babiloni, Fabio; "Electroencephalographic, Heart Rate, and Galvanic Skin Response Assessment for an Advertising Perception Study: Application to Antismoking Public Service Announcements.",Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE,126,2017,
32. Caruso M, Ferranti F, Corano Scheri K, Dobrowolny G, Ciccarone F, Grammatico P, Catizone A, Ricci G. RSpondin-1/Dickkopf-1/beta-catenin machinery is involved in testicular embryonic angiogenesis. PLoS One 2015 Apr 24;10(4):e0124213. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124213.
33. Catizone A, Ricci G, Caruso M, Galdieri M, Corano Scheri K, Di Paolo V and Canipari R. HGF Modulates Actin Cytoskeleton Remodeling and Contraction in Testicular Myoid Cells. Biomedicines 2015, 3(1), 89-109; doi:10.3390/biomedicines3010089
34. Catizone A.; Ricci G.; Caruso M.; Galdieri M.; Corano Scheri K.; Di Paolo V and Canipari R. “HGF Modulates Actin Cytoskeleton Remodeling and Contraction in Testicular Myoid Cells” Biomedicines 2015, 3(1), 89-109
35. Cherubino P, Cartocci G, Trettel A, Rossi D, Modica E, Maglione A G, Mancini M, Di Flumeri G, Babiloni F. Marketing Meets Neuroscience: Useful Insights for Gender Subgroups During the Observation of TV Ads. Applying Neuroscience to Business Practice, IGI Global, chapter 8, p. 163-190 (2016).
36. Cherubino P, Cartocci G, Trettel A, Rossi D, Modica E, Maglione A G, Mancini M, Di Flumeri G, Babiloni F. Marketing Meets Neuroscience: Useful Insights for Gender Subgroups During the Observation of TV Ads. Applying Neuroscience to Business Practice, IGI Global, chapter 8, p. 163-190 (2016).
37. Cherubino P., Trettel A., Cartocci G., Rossi D., Modica E., Maglione A.G., Mancini M., Di Flumeri G., Babiloni F. Neuroelectrical Indexes for the Study of the Efficacy of TV Advertising Stimuli. In Select Issues of Experimental Economics (pp. 355-371). Springer International Publishing, 2016
38. Cherubino P., Trettel A., Cartocci G., Rossi D., Modica E., Maglione A.G., Mancini M., Di Flumeri G., Babiloni F. Neuroelectrical Indexes for the Study of the Efficacy of TV Advertising Stimuli. In Select Issues of Experimental Economics (pp. 355-371). Springer International Publishing, 2016
39. Ciccarell C.; Vulcano F.; Milazzo L.; Gravina G.L.; Marampon F.; Macioce G.; Giampaolo A.; Tombolini V.; Di Paolo V.; Hassan H.J.; Zani B.M. “Key role of MEK/ERK pathway in sustaining tumorigenicity and in vitro radioresistance of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma stem-like cell population” Molecular Canc 2016 Feb 20; 15:16.
40. Cimadomo D, Capalbo A, Ubaldi FM, Scarica C, Palagiano A, Canipari R, Rienzi L. The Impact of Biopsy on Human Embryo Developmental Potential during Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. Biomed Res Int. 2016;2016:7193075. doi: 10.1155/2016/7193075. Review.
41. Cimadomo D, Ubaldi FM, Capalbo A, Maggiulli R, Scarica C, Romano S, Poggiana C, Zuccarello D, Giancani A, Vaiarelli A, Rienzi L. Failure mode and effects analysis of witnessing protocols for ensuring traceability during PGD/PGS cycles. Reprod Biomed Online. 2016 Sep;33(3):360-9. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.06.002.
42. Cimadomo D., Ubaldi F.M., Capalbo A., Maggiulli R., Scarica C., Romano S., Poggiana C., Zuccarello D., Giancani A., Vaiarelli A., Rienzi L. “Failure mode and effects analysis of witnessing protocols for ensuring traceability during PGD/PGS cycles.” Reprod Biomed Online. 2016; 33:360-369
43. Colapicchioni V., PALCHETTI S., Pozzi D., Marini E.S., Riccioli A., Ziparo E., Papi M., Amenitsch H., Caracciolo G. (2015) Killing cancer cells using nanotechnology: novel poly(I:C) loaded liposome-silica hybrid nanoparticles Journal of Materials Chemistry B; 2015,3, 7408-7416; DOI: 10.1039/C5TB01383F
44. Colapicchioni V., Tilio M., Digiacomo L., Gambini V., PALCHETTI S., Marchini C., Pozzi D,Occhipinti S., Amici A., Caracciolo G. (2015) Personalized liposome-protein corona in the blood of breast, gastric and pancreatic cancer patients The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology; 2015 Sep 11. pii: S1357-2725(15)30016-9. doi: 10.1016/j.biocel.2015.09.002
45. Coletti D, Aulino P, Pigna E, Barteri F, Moresi V, Annibali D, Adamo S and Berardi E. Spontaneous physical activity down-regulates Pax7 in cancer cachexia. Stem Cells International 2016;2016:6729268.
46. Coletti D, Daou N, Hassani M, Li Z, Parlakian A. Serum Response Factor in muscle tissues: from development to ageing. Eur J Transl Myol. 2016;26(2):6008. doi: 10.4081/ejtm.2016.6008
47. Consalvi S, Brancaccio A, Dall'Agnese A, Puri PL, Palacios D. Praja1 E3 ubiquitin ligase promotes skeletal myogenesis through degradation of EZH2 upon p38α activation. Nat Commun. 2016 Jan 9;8:13956. doi: 10.1038/ncomms13956.
48. Consalvi S, Sandoná M, Saccone V. Epigenetic reprogramming of muscle progenitors: inspiration for clinical therapies. Stem Cells Int. 2015 Sep 16, doi: 10.1155/2016/6093601.
49. Conti S, Petrungaro S, Marini ES, Masciarelli S, Tomaipitinca L, Filippini A, Giampietri C, Ziparo E. A novel role of c-FLIP protein in regulation of ER stress response. Cell Signal. 2016 Sep;28(9):1262-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2016.06.003.
50. Conti, S., Petrungaro, S., Marini, E.S., Masciarelli, S., Tomaipitinca, L., Filippini, A., Giampietri, C., Ziparo, E. (2016). Cell Signal. 28(9), 1262-9.
51. Conti, S., Petrungaro, S., Marini, E.S., Masciarelli, S., Tomaipitinca, L., Filippini, A., Giampietri, C., Ziparo, E. (2016). IJAE. 121(1), 135.
52. De Luca T, Pelosi A, Trisciuoglio D, D'Aguanno S, Desideri M, Farini V, Di Martile M, Bellei B, Tupone MG, Candiloro A, Regazzo G, Rizzo MG, Del Bufalo D. miR-211 and MITF modulation by Bcl-2 protein in melanoma cells. Mol Carcinog. 2015 Nov 24. doi: 10.1002/mc.22437.
53. De Sanctis R, Bertuzzi A, Basso U, Comandone A, Marchetti S, Marrari A, Colombo P, Lutman RF, Giordano L, Santoro A. Non-pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin plus Ifosfamide in Metastatic Soft Tissue Sarcoma: Results from a Phase-II Trial. Anticancer Res. 2015 Jan; 35 (1):543-7.
54. De Sanctis R, Marrari A, Santoro A. Trabectedin for the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2016 Aug;17(11):1569-77.
55. Di Martile M, Del Bufalo D, Triscuoglio D. The multifaceted role of lysine acetylation in cancer: prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target. Oncotarget 2016. June 14. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.10048.
56. Di Martile M, Desideri M, De Luca T, Gabellini C, Buglioni S, Eramo A, Sette G, Milella M, Rotili D, Mai A, Carradori S, Secci D, De Maria R, Del Bufalo D, Trisciuoglio D. Histone acetyltransferase inhibitor CPTH6 preferentially targets lung cancer stem-like cells. Oncotarget. 2016 Feb 8. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7238.
57. Di Meglio F, Nurzynska D, Romano V, Miraglia R, Belviso I, Sacco AM, Barbato V, Di Gennaro M, Granato G, Maiello C, Montagnani S, Castaldo C. Optimization of Human Myocardium Decellularization Method for the Construction of Implantable Patches. Tissue Eng Part C Methods, 23(9):525-539, 2017.
58. Donzelli S., Mori F., Bellissimo T. et al. Epigenetic silencing of miR-145-5p contributes to brain metastasis. Oncotarget; 2015 Nov 3;6(34):35183-201
59. Fontemaggi G., Bellissimo T., Donzelli S, Iosue I. Benassi B., BellottiG., Blandino G., Fazi F. Identification of post-transcriptional regulatory networks during myeloblast to monocyte differentiation transition. RNA Biol; 2015 Jul 3; 12(7): 690-700
60. Forte M, Faustini F, Maggiulli R, Scarica C, Romano S, Ottolini C, Farcomeni A, Palagiano A, Capalbo A, Ubaldi FM, Rienzi L. Electronic witness system in IVF-patients perspective. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2016 Sep;33(9):1215-22. doi: 10.1007/s10815-016-0759-4.
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143. Ubaldi FM, Capalbo A, Vaiarelli A, Cimadomo D, Colamaria S, Alviggi C, Trabucco E, Venturella R, Vajta G, Rienzi L. Follicular versus luteal phase ovarian stimulation during the same menstrual cycle (DuoStim) in a reduced ovarian reserve population results in a similar euploid blastocyst formation rate: new insight in ovarian reserve exploitation. Fertil Steril. 2016 Jun;105(6):1488-1495.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.03.002.
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145. Vaiarelli A, Cimadomo D, Capalbo A, Orlando G, Sapienza F, Colamaria S, Palagiano A, Bulletti C, Rienzi L, Ubaldi FM. Pre-implantation genetic testing in ART: who will benefit and what is the evidence? J Assist Reprod Genet. 2016 Oct;33(10):1273-1278..
146. Venneri A.M, Giannetta E., Panio G., De Gaetano R., Gianfrilli D., Pofi R., Masciarelli S., Fazi F., Pellegrini M., Lenzi A., Naro F., Isidori A. Chronic inhibition of PDE5 limits pro-inflammatory monocyte-macrophage polarization in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice, PLOS ONE; 11;10(5):e0126580.
147. Voellenkle, C., J.M. Garcia-Manteiga, S. Pedrotti, A. Perfetti, I. De Toma, D. Da Silva, B. Maimone, et al. 2016. “Implication of Long Noncoding RNAs in the Endothelial Cell Response to Hypoxia Revealed by RNA-Sequencing.” Scientific Reports 6. doi:10.1038/srep24141.
148. Zaccagnini, G., A. Palmisano, T. Canu, B. Maimone, F.M.L. Russo, F. Ambrogi, C. Gaetano, et al. 2015. “Magnetic Resonance Imaging Allows the Evaluation of Tissue Damage and Regeneration in a Mouse Model of Critical Limb Ischemia.” PLoS ONE 10 (11). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.014211.
Corsi BeMM 2018
CFU etc
Inglese Scientifico
GIU-LUG 2018
16 lezioni x 2 gruppi
Banche dati bibliografiche – cataloghi biblioteche – Open access
27 (?) FEB 2018
Modulo 4 ore
Sperimentazione Animale
in programmazione
Modulo 3 ore, x 3 gruppi
Sicurezza in lab
in programmazione
Bioinformatics: Theory and Applications from Genomes to Drugs
4 GIU - 4LUG
3 CFU 26 ore
Genomica e Medicina
in programmazione
1 CFU - Modulo 4 ore
in programmazione
2 CFU 16 ore
Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics
(I) II
in programmazione
12 ore, 1 CFU
Drug Discovery & Delivery
Biotecnologie e brevetti
Scientific Writing – Comunicazione Scientifica – Public speaking?
9th BEMM symposium
autunno 2018
Sphingolipid signalling in mitochondrial apoptosis
9-13 luglio
Spin off – Start up
b) Cicli di seminari di ricerca: 2 CFU (selezione dai cicli di seminari di ricerca 2017):
- Study of the role of PKCTHETA in satellite cells behaviors in normal and dystrophic muscle
- Valutazione delle modificazioni istopatologiche dopo l'applicazione di una nuova rete biosintetica assorbibile come rinforzo della iatoplastica per la
iatoroscopia. Uno studio pilota per la riparazione del difetto - Ruolo della variante di spicing CD44V8-V10 nelle linee di carcinoma prostatico androgeno indipendenti PC3 e DU-145
- Mechanism underlying exercise effects against cachexia: role of SRF as mechano-transductor
- Cross-talk between cytokines and mechanical cues in cancer cachexia: an in vitro study
- Mechanism of activation and role of TPC1 and TPC2 in health and desease
- Studio del tessuto ghiandolare con tecniche di NMR in diffusione molecolare
- Neurophysiological measurement for the online evaluation of mental states in operational environment
- C-met activated pathways and their implication in TG CTS oncogenesis
- HDACs activity on FAPs epigenic landscape during the progression of DMD
- Role of phosphodiesterase5 in cardiovascular pathophisiology in spontaneously hypertensive rats and diabetc mice
- TPC2 and Rabs interaction: Cross talk in cancer progression
- Caratterizzazione cromosomica e funzionale di cellule escluse durante le prime fasi dell'embriogenesi umana
- Ruolo dell'autofagia nel differenziamento delle cellule T-REG nell'ateroslerosi.
Impatto dei lncRNA nei tumori epiteliali timici - Role of IL-6 signaling in muscle homeostasis and pathology
- Retinite pigmentosa
- Signal dependent regulation of polycomb repressive complex2 in muscle derived tumors
- Histone Acetyl-Trasferase (HAT) inhibitors as therapeutic approach affecting lung cancer
- Tissue engineering of the skin and mucous membraned-problems and solutions
- Quantitative cytoskeleton analysis in 2d,ed cells exposed to microgravity and its potential impact in understanding cell regulation by means of physical constrains Role of hippo pathway in vascular didease
- Modulation of dystrophic microenvironment to improve stem cell-mediated therapy
- Role of micrornas in muscle biopsies and an in vitro model of myotonic dystrophy
- The blackbox of implantation.microRNAs in spent blastocyst media as putative biomarkers of embryo reproductive competence
- Characterization of molecular mechanism underlyng sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity
Unsupervised vs supervised identification of prognostic factors in rare and common types of neoplasm - Realization of dual mode hybrid probe for medical diagnostic
- Mitotane treatment: effect on fertility.
Exosomes as mediators of cross-talk between the cell population that contribute to DMD progression - Unravelling calcium signalling complexity during angiogenesis and melanoma progression
- Role of HDAC4 in Amiotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and skeletal muscle development
- Role of phosphodiesterase 5A in Ca2+ homeostasis
- In vitro identification of agents and mechanism responsible for the damage of the biliary tree stem cells (hBTSCs) in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
- c-MET proto-oncogene in malignant testicular germ cell tumours
- Smoke free brain: multidisciplinary tools for improving the efficacy of public prevention measures against smoking
- Regulation of human testicular function during aging
- A study on bone remodelling defects in nephropatic cystinosis
- The role of c-FLIP protein in autophagy
- Role of calreticulin and its 3'UTR in normal hematopoiesis and MPNs
- Development of a combination startegy based on ER and oxidative stress in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- HIF-1 inhibition and TLR3 stimulation as combined anti-tumour treatment of apoptosis-resistant human breast cancer cells
- Regulation of the niche factor GDNF by Retinoic Acid
- Diffusion models to investigate tissue applications to brain and placenta development
c) Corsi disciplinari non mutuati (lezioni formali o seminari)
· Istologia e Omeostasi dei tessuti
· Embriologia, meccanismi regolativi del differenziamento
· Ingegneria tissutale
· Elementi di biologia, fisiologia, biochimica e biologia molecolare dell'uomo;
· Tecniche di acquisizione ed analisi di biosegnali e immagini di interesse biomedico;
· Tecniche di modellizzazione dinamica di biosistemi.
Corso d’inglese BEMM 2017
Due corsi paralleli (in giorni e orari diversi per soddisfare le esigenze dei dottorandi) inizieranno lunedì 5 giugno 2017 e dureranno quindici ore ciascuno, fino a metà luglio. Ogni lezione durerà circa 75 minuti.
I corsi si terranno presso l’Aula Monesi in Via Scarpa (dove si è svolta la valutazione preliminare). Gli studenti sono pregati di portare penna e carta.
Per qualsiasi informazione, o richiesta di cambiare giorno di frequenza, gli studenti possono contattare il docente:
Corso AM: martedì e giovedi, h 9:00 - 10.15
Corso PM: Lunedi e mercoledi, h 17:00 - 18.15
MIT Phd course - 2016 yearly exam - October 24-25, 2016, Aula Monesi
Cognome Nome Ciclo Curr Titolo Brancaccio Arianna 30 SMC Post - Translational regulation of polycomb repressive complex 2 in response to p38 signaling in muscle-derived tumors Cappella Marisa 30 SMC Role of microRNAs in physiology and pathology of skeletal muscle Cimadomo Danilo 30 STC MiRNA in human spent blastocyst media during IVF cycles. Potential biomarkers of reproductive competence Corano Scheri Katia 30 STC c - MET prot - oncogene in testicular germ cell tumours De Sanctis Rita 30 BCT Post - relapse outcome of patients with localized retroperitoneal sarcoma treated on an Italian Sarcoma Group (ISG - STS) protocol Di Flumeri Gianluca 30 BCT A new EEG-based machine-learning techique to measure brain workload in operational environments Di Martile Marta 30 STC Histone acetyltranferase (hat) inhibitors as therapeutic approach affecting lung cancer growth and angiogenesis Forcina Laura 30 SMC Modulation of dystrophic microenvironment to improve stem cell mediated therapy Innocenti Federica 30 STC Effect of adrenocortical carcinoma treatment on fertility Palmerio Silvia 30 SMC Role of hippo pathway in vascular disease Papacci Francesca 30 STC Unravelling calcium signalling complexity during angiogenesis and tumorigenic progression Pigna Eva 30 SMC Role of histone deacetylase 4 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and in skeletal muscle development Polito Claudia 30 BCT Realization of a dual mode hybrid probe for medical diagnostic Sandonà Martina 30 SMC Exosomes as mediators of cross - talk between the cell populations that contribute to DMD progression Scatozza Francesca 30 STC HIF - 1 inhibition and TLR3 stimulation as combined antitumor treatment of apoptosis - resistant human breast cancer cells Ascenzi Francesca 31 SMC Protective role of IGF -1 against sarcopenia Assenza Maria Rita 31 SMC Cardiac Hypertrophy: Role of Pde5A in Ca2+ Homeostasis Battafarano Giulia 31 SMC A study on bone remodeling defect in Cystinosis Capuano Ernestina 31 SMC Sinergy of Retinoic Acid with oxidative and ER stress in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Castaldo Clotilde 31 SMC Positional Memory of Fibroblasts as Contributory Cause of Cell Reprogramming Low Efficiency Costantini Daniele 31 SMC In vitro identification of agents and mechanisms responsible for the damage of the biliary tree stem cells (hBTSCs) in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Guerreri Michele 31 BCT The anomalous diffusion model highlights microstructural variations in brain due to aging and the biexponential model correlates with gestational age in normal human palcenta: two DWI methods to investigate biological tissues Modica Enrica 31 BCT Smoke Free Brain: Evaluation of the Neuroelectrical and the Emotional Indexes for the Study of Antismoking Public Service Announcements Mularoni Valentina 31 STC Regulation of human steroidogenesis during aging Quattrocchi Alberto 31 SMC Role of calreticulin in hematopoiesis and myeloproliferative neoplasms Rossi Dario 31 BCT Smoke Free Brain: multidisciplinary tools for improving the efficacy of public prevention measures against smoking Saracino Rossana 31 STC Regulation of the spermatogonial niche factor GDNF by retinoic acid Tomaipitinca Luana 31 STC The role of c - FLIP protein in autophagy Verma Garima 31 BCT Multiscale computational modelling and quantitative analysis of cytoskeleton using novel tools and techniques -
Scuola di Dottorato in Biologia e Medicina Molecolare
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