The Life Support Systems course is designed to equip students with comprehensive knowledge concerning the challenges inherent in human space flight and the corresponding mitigation strategies.The curriculum begins with an exploration of the history o
More InfoThe course focuses on the dynamics modeling, navigation and control of satellites flying in formations.
Summary of topics:
Introduction Organization of the Course Examples of formations Past and future missions
More InfoSummary of topics:
Introduction Organization of the Course Examples of formations Past and future missions
1 - Generalities
on the remote sensing and physics principles
remote sensing system, Properties of the electromagnetic radiations, Source
of the electromagnetic radiation, Interaction with matter, remote sensing
More InfoIntroductive course on nuclear physics, radiation protection, and nuclear engineering. The course is aimed to describe the nuclear technology useful for Space, such as RTG, nuclear fission reactors for electricity production, and also for propulsion.
More InfoThe Course will provide the basics of low
thrust engines: applications and classifications for chemical and electrical
LTE, esothermic and endotermic engines. Thruster Principles, The Rocket
Equation. Specific Impulse. Thruster
More Info Overview and History of Hybrid Rocket Propulsion. Definition of propulsion: static performance of rockets for launch to space missions ; definition of thrust and drag ; equation of motion; Performance of single-stage and multistage rocket. Defi
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