At the end of the course and upon passing the exam, the student will have acquired the knowledge and skills on the biochemical and physiological processes specific to prokaryotic cells and will be able to explain in biochemical terms the diversity an
More InfoModule of the integrated Course MICROORGANISM AND PLANT BIOCHEMISTRY (6 CFU; optional)Prof. Giulia De Lorenzo
More InfoThe course aims at providing to the students with a basic knowledge of the main biochemical and biophysical principles and techniques applied used in the study of folding, structure/function and interactions of biological macromolecules.
Given a s
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The course of Cellular Biochemistry will be presented by four teachers and is coordinated by Prof. Marzia Perluigi. Lectures of Cellular Biochemistry: B2 Room (Polo Odontoiatrico) Wednesday and Friday 2-6 p.m.Teachers: Prof. Perluigi, Prof. Mang
More InfoAt the end of the course and after passing the exam, the student will have acquired the knowledge and skills in the areas listed below. In general, the student will be able to describe the structure and reactivity of the main functional groups of org
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