Saverio Miccoli - Curriculum Vitae
He carries out his teaching and research in the fields of Product and Process Evaluation in Civil Engineering and Urban, Regional and Environmental Evaluation.
Full Professor at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Director of the Master in “Feasibility Valuation of Projects” and of the Training Course in “Real Estate Economic Valuation”, teacher in the Master Degree in “Real Estate Economics and Management” – University of Rome “Torvergata”, in PhD Courses, in the Specialisation School in “Natural and Territorial Heritage”.
National Coordinator of the Research Programs of Relevant National Interest (PRIN), co-financed by Ministry of Education, University and Research, he is author of 295 Results of Scientific Research. Member of the Scientific Committee of Italian Association of Appraisers and Land Economists (Ce.S.E.T.), Co-Director of the Journal "Aestimum”, Founding Member of Italian Real Estate Appraisal and Investment Decision Society (SIEV).
Teacher at the High School of Economy and Finance “Ezio Vanoni” of Ministry of Economy and Finance, Member of the Central Cadastral Commission of Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Institutions and Public Companies of primary importance confer him professional assignments.