There are many worrisome situations that can stimulate the idea of a human exstinction. Many years ago, during the Cold War, there was the risk of a nuclear conflict, since the continual threats of using atomic weapons by the opposite world powers. Nowadays, we are involved in other genres of problems: the probable movement of the Earth axis, the matter of the pollution, the global warming and the possibility of the lack of the basic sources, like water or certain types of food, necessaries for the human surviving on Earth. This one can be considered in a certain way a consequence of the global warming and the uncontrolled temperature growth. If we continue on this direction, we will probably contribute to make our Earth an unospitable place for human life. However, although we are conscious of the effects produced by our irresponsibility towards nature and by these climate changes, we cannot be sure about our destiny. We can only put attention on what we are doing, and try to solve the resolvable common problems through an international coordination.