The Italian educational system is often said to be very obsolete and totally ineffective, but I don't think so.
The Italian school system allows students to approach subjects (like Classics) that people in other countries are able to study only at university or private school. Moreover, more and more Italian students finish their career at school or at university with brilliant marks and profits, excelling both in scientific and humanistic subjects.
Nonetheless, the Italian school system is characterised by some critical aspects. First of all, foreign languages are paid too little attention. Nowadays you are expected to speak and understand at least two languages and the Italian school system seems to be ineffective at this: Italian students study English since primary school, but they seldom master it.
In addition there's a worrying gap between high school and university, especially in the humanistic field: a lot of studies are carried out by university teachers and researchers in the field of history, literature, Classics and high school students don't have a clue about that.
In conclusion, I maintain that the Italian school system has got some faults, but that it is far better than it is said to be.