Dear student,
I received many emails about the exam registration on Infostud. I know you are all having troubles with that, I am sorry for the inconvenience. It is a general problem. Unfortunately, I have no means of checking myself on Infostud but the administration of the Language Centre has been informed. I kindly ask you to be a bit patient as the holidays are ending today, which is the reason why you probably did not hear back from cla.erasmus-incoming@
Do not worry however, there is still time till January 15th, I am sure you will be all able to register properly in time!
In the meantime, let me remind you that, once the registration process will properly work again, you will just need to follow the steps in my previous messages to register. Our course will appear under the name of Professor Monica Barni, the new head of the Language Centre.
Best regards,
Veronica Rossi