Seminario del prof. M. Antoniou (Birmingham University)

Seminario del prof. M. Antoniou (Birmingham University)

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la prof. Pastina ha invitato il prof. M. Antoniou (Birmingham University) che terrà un seminario di sicuro interesse ...

I dettagli di sotto ...

Ci vediamo lì con gli interessati.

Un caro saluto,

Pierfrancesco Lombardo

Dear Students,

It's my pleasure to announce that Wednesday the 24th of July at 2:00 PM, in the Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of DIET, Prof. Michail Antoniou (University of Birmingham, UK) will hold a seminar entitled 
"Overview of radar research at the RF Sensing Systems Group "
The talk will provide a brief overview of past and present research activities in the field of radar systems, taking place at the RF Sensing Systems group at the University of Birmingham. It will summarise research efforts, systems and practical results in a broad spectrum of radar disciplines, from radar imaging, passive and multistatic radar and cognitive radar, to multi-disciplinary research including bio-inspired techniques and the application of AI and Quantum technologies to radar.
You are all invited to participate!
Debora Pastina