Webinar gratuito React4Life: "New approaches for Toxicology & Drug Development on Reconstructed Human Epithelia"

Webinar gratuito React4Life: "New approaches for Toxicology & Drug Development on Reconstructed Human Epithelia"

بواسطة - urn:oid: Clsbiotecnologie
عدد الردود: 0

React4Life invita studenti e ricercatori in ambito biomedico al webinar gratuito su "New approaches for Toxicology & Drug Development on Reconstructed Human Epithelia"

29 maggio 2023, ore 15.00

Dr Jean Markus, MatTeck Life Sciences Production Manager and Senior Scientist

Dr Silvia Scaglione, React4Life Chief Scientist


Animal models have been widely applied for assessing the bioavailability and toxicity of drugs and other substances. However, such testing has many limitations, including ethical issues and often limited translatability to human conditions. Hence, in vitro models are needed to guide the design of molecules or dosing schedules that mitigate safety risks in humans. 

Over the years, we have generated and successfully implemented 3D reconstructed models of many types of human epithelia. 

However, especially the study of ADME mechanisms greatly benefits from the presence of fluid flows resembling the bloodstream. Organs-on-chips (OOCs) offered the chance to recreate models of different tissues, speeding up the drug discovery and development processes. In this scenario, the MIVO® culture chamber can host human tissues under physiological conditions, providing a fluidic circulation below the tissue that mimics the human circulatory system.  

In this webinar, we will discuss selected established new models and their use to predict the toxicity and kinetics of drugs and other compounds administered orally or via different routes.

Per iscrizioni: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/2616836249037/WN_v0mQ7yXGQp-b94Y4Go_ttw#/registration