Oggi, Job webinar (seminario di orientamento online)

Oggi, Job webinar (seminario di orientamento online)

de urn:oid: Clsbiotecnologie -
Número de respuestas: 0

Lunedi ' 29 marzo 2021, ore 17:00-18:30
Veronica Steri
Preclinical Therapeutics Core Manager
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of California San Francisco, USA
Veronica parlerà della sua interessantissima carriera scientifica che l'ha portata da Bologna a San Francisco passando per Siena, Parigi, Norwich e S. Louis. La sua presentazione e la successiva discussione saranno molto utili per studenti e neolaureati interessati a sviluppare al meglio la propria carriera in campo scientifico.
Veronica Steri obtained a Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology followed by a Master Degree in Medical Biotechnology at the Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna; and she conducted her thesis internship on Cellular Immunology at Novartis Research and Diagnostics in Siena. After graduating in 2004, she won the Leonardo Unipharma-Graduates Fellowship and moved to Paris for an internship in cell-based Immunotherapy at the Institute Curie. She then came back to Bologna and worked both as a research assistant at Bellaria Hospital and as a Quality Assurance Specialist for Medical Devices at Farma-Derma s.r.l. In 2011, she started a PhD in Biomolecular Science at the University of East Anglia in Norwich (UK) . During her PhD, she attended the Washington University of S. Louis (MO) as Visiting Scholar. She completed her PhD in 2015 with a doctoral thesis elucidating the mechanisms of resistance to anti-angiogenic therapy. In the same year, she obtained a post-doctoral position at the University of California, San Francisco (CA) and in 2018, she joined the Preclinical Therapeutics Core at the Helen Diller Comprehensive Cancer Center, a full-service fee-for-service core facility that is subsidized by the National Cancer Institute. She has recently been promoted to Manager of the Core. Currently she oversees preclinical oncology trials and molecular imaging devices, manages budgets for research grant preparation, and contribute to peer-reviewed publications.
Lingua del webinar: italiano
Host: Prof. Luciano Saso
Per eventuali ulteriori informazioni: luciano.saso@uniroma1.it
La partecipazione è libera e gratuita (registrazione non necessaria)
'evento sarà registrato e il video sarà reso disponibile sul sito www.unipharma.it