Exam grading

Exam grading

by GIOVANNI Dibartolomeo -
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Exam grading 

The exam consists of 20 questions (mainly multiple choices). Questions cover all the program.

Each correct answer is 1,5 point, wrong or missed answer are 0 point (so the good strategy is to answer all as there is no penalty for wrong answer). Student can get a final score between 0 and 30.

The final grade is attributed according to the following table. Given the number of right answers (B). the score corresponds to the final grade in column (C). If the student has done all the home-works, the grade is that in column (D), i.e., score*0.7+30*0.3 (as said home-works count 30% of the final grade).   

If aggregate results are very negative, they can be adjusted upwards.


Grading policy
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1.5 0 0 9
1.5 1 2 10
1.5 2 3 11
1.5 3 5 12
1.5 4 6 13
1.5 5 8 14
1.5 6 9 15
1.5 7 11 16
1.5 8 12 17
1.5 9 14 18
1.5 10 15 20
1.5 11 17 21
1.5 12 18 22
1.5 13 20 23
1.5 14 21 24
1.5 15 23 25
1.5 16 24 26
1.5 17 26 27
1.5 18 27 28
1.5 19 30 30
1.5 20 30 L 30 L