Diagrama de temas
SAPIENZA University of Rome
Full Professor
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Sapienza University of Rome
Via Eudossiana, 18
00184 Rome Italy
Phone: +39-06-44585-273
Fax: +39-06-44585-250
Email: paolo.cappa@uniroma1.it
Skype: paolo_cappa
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4898-9589
Site: https://sites.google.com/a/uniroma1.it/paolocappa-eng/homeGEORGIA TECH
Adjunct Professor
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Head of academic programs
Georgia Tech Lorraine
2 rue Marconi
57070 Metz, France
Phone: +33 38 720 3947
Email: bertrand.boussert@ece.gatech.edu -
Here you can find:
- the graduate handbook
- the flyer
- general presentation
The here enclosed document is the agreement signed by the rectors of the two universities.
Paolo Cappa
At the indicated web site are reported the information useful for the incoming students.
notizie utili per il doppio titolo Sapienza-GT
NB: si ricorda che le domande complete di tutti i documenti richiesti da GT dovranno essere inviate preliminarmente a chi scrive entro il 15/12/2015
Paolo Cappa