مخطط الموضوع


    SAPIENZA University of Rome

    Paolo CAPPA
    Full Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Sapienza University of Rome
    Via Eudossiana, 18
    00184 Rome Italy
    Phone: +39-06-44585-273
    Fax: +39-06-44585-250
    Email: paolo.cappa@uniroma1.it
    Skype: paolo_cappa
    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4898-9589
    Site: https://sites.google.com/a/uniroma1.it/paolocappa-eng/home


    Bertrand BOUSSERT
    Adjunct Professor
    School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Head of academic programs
    Georgia Tech Lorraine
    2 rue Marconi
    57070 Metz, France
    Phone: +33 38 720 3947
    Email: bertrand.boussert@ece.gatech.edu

  • Georgia Tech

    Here you can find:

    1. the graduate handbook
    2. the flyer
    3. general presentation
  • Agreement Sapienza-Georgia Tech

    The here enclosed document is the agreement signed by the rectors of the two universities.

    Paolo Cappa

  • SAPIENZA: International Exchange Student Guide

    At the indicated web site are reported the information useful for the incoming students.

  • 19 ottobre 2015 - Presentazione Prof. Boussert

    notizie utili per il doppio titolo Sapienza-GT

  • ottobre 2015 - Documenti utili per la presentazione della domanda

    NB: si ricorda che le domande complete di tutti i documenti richiesti da GT dovranno essere inviate preliminarmente a chi scrive entro il 15/12/2015 

    Paolo Cappa