Schema della sezione
General Information
Sapienza University of Rome has issued the 2018-19 call for PhD fellowships for foreign nationals educated abroad.
Twenty-nine 3-year full-time postgraduate fellowships are available. Each fellowship amounts to € 19.800,00 per year; this amount includes national insurance contributions (INPS) that fellowship recipients are required to pay.
Application deadline is April 23, 2018.
For general information, please consult:
The BeMM Ph.D. school coordinates the didactic activities of ten Ph.D. courses. Please refer to their individual pages for more information:
Cellular and Developmental Biology
Experimental Medicine
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Human Biology and Medical GeneticsInnovation in Immuno-Mediated and Hematological Disorders
Life Science
Morphogenesis & Tissue Homeostasis
Infectious diseases, microbiology and public health
Pharmaceutical Sciences