Schema della sezione
Prof. J. Stiban, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, Birzeit University
Sapienza Erasmus Guest
Ph.D Course in Biochemical Sciences
BeMM course on "Sphingolipid signalling in mitochondrial apoptosis"
8 ore (1 CFU)
July 9 - 13, 2018
Location: Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi Fanelli” (building CU010, see map)
Application guidelines:
Registration to the Course is free. The interested Student should write an email to indicating in the subject line "Sphingolipid signalling in mitochondrial apoptosis", and in the body of the message "Surname, Name, and PhD Course.
Aim of the Course:
The goal of this short advanced course is to introduce cell biology, biotechnology, life sciences,
molecular biology and biochemistry students to the role of mitochondria in programmed cell death apoptosis. In addition, the sphingolipid effectors of mitochondrial apoptosis will be emphasized. The various pathways of ceramide synthesis and breakdown will be discussed focusing on the activities of some key enzymes, namely ceramide synthases (CerS). The pathways that lead to mitochondrial permeabilization and initiation of apoptosis will be discussed and elaborated.
Detailed program:
Basic aspects of mitochondrial physiology ◊ Mitochondrial outer membrane and permeability
◊ The electron transport chain and cytochrome c ◊ Initiation of apoptosis, the role of cytochrome c ◊ Sphingolipids synthesis and breakdown ◊ Ceramide(s) chemistry ◊ Ceramide-induced permeabilization of mitochondrial outer membrane ◊ Other pathways of mitochondrial outer membrane permeability.
Monday July 9, 4-6 pm Aula A
Tuesday July 10, 4-6 pm Aula A
Wednesday July 11, 4-6 pm Aula A
Thursday July 12, 4-5 pm Aula A
Friday July 13, 4-5 pm Aula C