This is a module of 3 University credits within the course of Biological and physical methods in archaeological materials science. It will be held in Room B, Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale (Building code CU022), every Wednesday at
Info AggiuntiveThe module aims to provide students with knowledge on the use of Geographic Information Systems in archaeological sciences.
Info AggiuntiveThe course will be focused on the main topics of Roman Archaeology, upon a chronological perspective.It will start with an excursion to Civitella D'Agliano, to visit the anthropological and archaeological laboratories where the team of Sapienza Unive
Info AggiuntiveThe course introduces to general knowledge and updated data regarding the human bio-variability, with reference to populations of the past and species of the deep time. Skills in critical analysis and presentation will be developed in presenting
Info AggiuntiveDating methods and statistical data processing
Info AggiuntiveThe use of plant materials in Cultural Heritage. Links between plants and culture. Theoretical-practical notes on plant remains and related disciplines and their relation with archaeometry. Case studies.Work experience in laboratories, visits to muse
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