The course aims to provide students with a basic knowledge of European taxation law, in order to allow them 1) to understand the general principles of the subject and the related system of legal sources; 2) to understand the impact of the Europe
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European Union Law (LM-90)Lectures and Office HoursThe Course of European Union Law will begin on February 21, 2022.Attendance is not compulsory., but in person as a matter of priority.The Course will be given according to the followin
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This is a course in public economics that aims to provide students with the tools of the economics of information and game theory, as applied to the advancement of our understanding of how laws work and of the economic rationales behind the ma
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ll Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Risorse Umane, Scienze del lavoro e Innovazione, attualmente in fase di attivazione per l'a.a. 2020/2021, offre un percorso innovativo di carattere interdisciplinare sulle scienze applicate al lavoro, in linea co
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