World Literature
a.a.: 2019/2020 - anno di corso: 2
Settore L-FIL-LET/14 - CFU 6 - Semestre I+II - Codice 1055072
Il corso introduce gli studenti allo studio dei temi principali della World Literature o letteratura mondiale: il dibattito sul canone, la traduzione, il transnazionalismo e la metodologia comparatistica.
Il corso si svolgerà in modalità "directed study" e in due fasi:
a) introduzione alla World Literature con analisi dei testi principali in cui è stata teorizzata (lingue inglese e francese)
b) assegnazione di lavori di ricerca agli studenti (research paper)
Programma inglese
This course is focused on the basic topics of World Literature: international and transnational canon debate, translation of literatures and cultures, transnationalism and comparatist.
This course is focused on the basic topics of World Literature: international and transnational canon debate, translation of literatures and cultures, transnationalism and comparatism.
"A directed study is a coherent, well-defined, substantive reading and research project supervised by a faculty member, usually resulting in a major written document. It is not credit for work experience. Rather, it offers the student an opportunity to explore in detail a carefully defined area of special concern, as well as a chance to work under the close supervision of a faculty member" (Boston University)The course will consist of:
a) a general introduction to the history and theory of the concept of World Literature
- Prova scritta
- Progetto
- In itinere
Descrizione valutazione
Bibliografia generale (General Bibliography)
César Dominguez Prieto, World Literature and Cosmopolitanism Studies,
In: The Routledge Companion to World Literature. Eds. Theo D’haen, David Damrosch and Djelal Kadir, Routledge 2012. 242-52.
David Damrosch, What is World Literature?, Princeton UP 2003 (table of contents)
Christopher Prendergast (Editor), Debating World Literature, Verso 2004 (table of contents)
Mads Rosendhal Thomsen, Mapping World Literature. International Canonization and Transnational Literatures, Continuum 2008 (state of the discipline, by M. Rosendhal Thomsen)
Theo D'haen, The Routledge Concise History of World Literature, Routledge 2012 (table of contents)
Bibliografica specifica sarà assegnata allo studente per realizzare il suo elaborato scritto.
Bibliography specifically devoted to the topic of the research papers will be given to students.
Bibliografica specifica sarà assegnata allo studente per realizzare il suo elaborato scritto.
Bibliography specifically devoted to the topic of the research papers will be given to students.
Orario Lezioni
Venerdì 13.00 - 15.00 (Aula C, III p., Dip. Ital. e spett.)
Inizio lezioni 4 Ottobre 2019
- Teacher: FRANCA Sinopoli