This course will report on international and italian advancements on Digittal Humanities tools and on Applied Linguistics methodology.
Main objective of the course is to provide a comrensive vision of the last 30 years of interaction between linguistic, studies on language and the Wb Science.
The WorldWideWeb is 30 years old this year, 2019.
What the rise of the Web interactions with science (and particularly with science that deals with linguistics, socio-linguistics, and Humanities Crtical Studies) has produced in these years?
- What are today the tools available in the Humanist Toolbox?
- What kind of problems can we describe, what solution can we try, with this armamentary?
- What are the marginal benefits of this discipline? What are you going to learn, how to learn, and for what purpose'
- What competence is possibile to acquire, what's the usage of this future competence?
A preliminary attention will be give to the methodology of learning.
Learners will be set at the center of the learning process. Many different web platform will be introduced with the aim to give to students the ability to produce their "personal learning path".
In this direction, general and specific Web Application will be presented and then used during the course progress.
Up2U, COmmonSpaces, NLTK, Voyant Tools and others.
- Teacher: Stefano Lariccia