more about earthquake physics building on laboratory experiments. 

Topics of the course

Intro, then
lecture on: Fracture and crack mechanics (dislocation model for stress and

Dislocation model for stress and slip. Stress

Friction: Da Vinci, Amontons, Coulomb,
Rabinowicz-Tabor-Bowden (1950’s). Mohr circles and the optimum angle of

Adhesive theory of
friction (Contact junction size, friction as the ratio of material hardness and
shear strength, concepts of static & dynamic friction, critical friction
distance, contact age, velocity weakening friction and contact size, contact
aging or frictional healing, frictional state-contact age).

Mechanics of frictional sliding: stick-slip. Discussion
on Rabinowicz paper.

Rate &
State Friction constitutive laws part A and B.

Refresh on

Rate & State Friction constitutive laws part C and D

Work on

Sapienza rock deformation and earthquake physics lab & spring slider.

rocks, deformation processes and fault structure.

What is the shear stress, or differential stress, required to make a crustal
fault move?

What is the fault slip behavior (seismic vs. aseismic) upon

Fault and

Induced and triggered seismicity from the geo-energy
activities (wastewater disposals, enhanced oil recovery, EOR, fracking, carbon
capture and storage, CCS, enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), reservoir
depletion): examples worldwide.  

deformation experiments for improving our understanding of induced seismicity.

Visit Sapienza rock deformation and earthquake physics
lab: what we measure in the lab and how.

Python on laboratory experiments on friction.

plotting earthquakes of the Amatrice-Visso-Norcia sequence (4h).

Rock and
fault rheology to explain the seismicity of Amatrice-Visso-Norcia part A

Rock and
fault rheology to explain the seismicity of Amatrice-Visso-Norcia part B

The mechanics of slow slip part A

mechanics of slow slip part B