European Union Law (LM-90)
Lectures and Office Hours
The Course of European Union Law will begin on February 21, 2022.
Attendance is not compulsory., but in person as a matter of priority.
The Course will be given according to the following timetable:
- Monday, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., room 7 (these are the link:, and the password: ius2022);
- Tuesday, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. room 7 (these are the link:, and the password: ius2022);
- Wednesday, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., room 9 (these are the link:, and the password: ius2022).
Students can book their seat in PRODIGIT (this is the link:
Teaching material and other info are posted in Google Classroom (access code: znuwmpr) and in Moodle E-learning (European Union Law).
Attenting students are required to enroll in Google Classroom and Moodle E-learning.
Office hours are on Wednesday, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., also via Google Meet, only by appointment (please, text to
Contents of the Course and Textbook
The Course aims at illustrating the main features of European Union Law, focusing on the institutional and legal amendments introduced by the Lisbon Treaty.
It is divided in two parts.
First part: (a) process of European integration; (b) institutional system; (c) competences; (d) legal sources, hierarchy, decision-making and effect of EU Law (Treaties, general principles, acts of the institutions, international agreements).
Second part: (a) relationship between EU Law and National Law; (b) EU judicial system (enforcement actions against Member States, review of legality, preliminary rulings); (c) internal market and fundamental freedoms (free movement of goods and persons).
Textbook: R. Schütze, European Union Law, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Attending students: only (A) First part: pp. 76-117, 150-212, 227-349, 421-432; (B) Second part: pp. 119-148, 351-401, 491-578, 638-653.
Non-attending students: the whole book, except chapters 2, 12, 16, 18 and 19.
The Treaty on European Union, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the main legal acts of the EU institutions and the main judicial rulings of the European Court of Justice should be consulted too.
A selection of those acts and rulings is posted in Moodle E-learning (European Union Law).
Examination: onsite oral examination, with possible onsite intermediate written exams (short essays) to be reserved to students who attend the Course. Students who pass the written exams are not required to take the oral examination.
Fragile students, students who are self-isolating or students exempt from the Covid-19 vaccination can take the oral examination remotely, via Google Meet.
Bibliography: R. Schütze, European Union Law, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2018; further reading is posted on the European Union Law Course in e-learning
Further Readings
European Papers: A Journal on Law and Integration,
- Docente: Emanuele CIMIOTTA
- Docente: MARIACHIARA Giovinazzo