The main task of the course is to establish an overall description of contemporary history and globalization with the necessary analytical skills for the main themes of the twentieth century. The main focus will be on colonization, decolonization and globalization. The course aims to provide an overview of contemporary history in a global perspective, identifying the central elements of some of the most significant political and social dynamics of the present day world. The course will examine in particular the development of the current international context through insights focused on the phases of colonization, decolonization and globalization processes. Particular attention will be dedicated to the international system and history of China in recent decades. Specific seminars will be included as well.





J. Osterhammel and N.P. Petersson, Globalization: a short history, Princeton University Press, 2005

R. Betts, Decolonization, Routledge 2004


Students not attending at lessons should study also:

R. Betts, The false dawn: European imperialism in the nineteenth century,University of Minnesota press 1975