Benvenuti al Dottorato di Ricerca in Biochimica
Welcome to the homepage of the Ph.D. Course in Biochemistry
The Department of Biochemical Sciences "A. Rossi Fanelli" of the Sapienza University of Rome is in charge of the organization and administration of the Ph.D. course in Biochemistry. Teachers and tutors contributing to the Ph.D. course are engaged in teaching in the Faculties of Pharmacy and Medicine, Dentistry and Medicine, Medicine and Psychology and Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences.
- Teacher: FRANCESCO Malatesta
- Teacher: Eugenia Schinina
- Non-editing teacher: ROBERTA Chiaraluce
- Non-editing teacher: ROBERTO Contestabile
- Non-editing teacher: STEFANO GIANNI
- Non-editing teacher: Alessandro Giuffrè
- Non-editing teacher: MARIA LUISA Mangoni
- Non-editing teacher: BRUNO Maras
- Non-editing teacher: MARZIA Perluigi