course Seminars in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics aims at
presenting different research topics. Students will be given the
opportunity to give a Seminar on a research paper and contribute to the
discussion of other research presented in the course.
3 Credits (ECTS), Spring Semester
Schedule: Classes are on Thursdays 10:00-14:00
Classes start Feb 27th, 2025. Class attendance is mandatory.
Unless otherwise stated, classes are in classroom B2, Via Ariosto 25.
Typically each meeting will include a research presentation and a reading class (see below).
Students are invited to register through the moodle system. The system will provide material about the topics presented in class and it will be used to send announcements to the class.
- Docente: DANIELE Nardi
- Docente: olga sorokoletova
- Docente: Vincenzo Suriani