The course presents a methodological introduction of studies on identities and cultures from West to East, with general references to the civilizations in the Modern and Contemporary Age, and the articulation of cultural history throughout the arguments emerging in the dialectic modernity/tradition evolving during 19th and 20th century within the relationships of States and the international phenomenology of nationalisms and identities. The course is articulated in a sequence of historical cultural topics and monographic seminaries.
Background. Knowledge of modern history (cultural and international history).
Final exam. Oral exam. It is carried out through a cycle of lessons and of seminars with laboratory in the classroom.
Questions are based on the topics in class and from the books.
Mandatory books:
B. Simms, "Europe: the struggle for supremacy, from 1453 to the present", Basic Books, New York 2013
G. Motta, "Fashion becomes History. Bourgeois, revolutionaries, roles and national identities", Nuova Cultura, Rome 2020 https://www.nuovacultura.it/catalogo/fashion-becomes-history/
Lessons in classroom, workshops (to be followed also by e-learning platform, HCI 24):
Lessons: 1st sem.
Tues. h 12-2pm, Aula III (ex multimediale) Room
Wed. h 12-2pm, Aula Nuova Buonaiuti Room
E’ prevista un’introduzione metodologica degli studi sulle identità e culture tra Occidente e Oriente, con riferimenti generali alle civiltà dell'età moderna e contemporanea, e un'articolazione della storia culturale attraverso gli argomenti emergenti nella dialettica modernità/tradizione che evolvono durante il XIX e XX secolo nei rapporti tra Stati e nella fenomenologia internazionale di nazionalismi e identità. Il corso è articolato in topics storico-culturali e approfondimenti seminariali monografici.
Esame orale finale. Previsti seminari e eventuale laboratorio in aula.
Libri (obbligatori):
B. Simms, "Europe: the struggle for supremacy, from 1453 to the present", Basic Books, New York 2013
G. Motta, "Fashion becomes History. Bourgeois, revolutionaries, roles and national identities", Nuova Cultura, Rome 2020 https://www.nuovacultura.it/catalogo/fashion-becomes-history/
Lezioni in aula, seminari di discussione (con materiali disponibili anche sulla piattaforma e-learning: HCI 24).
Lezioni: I sem.
Mart. ore 12-14, Aula III (ex multimediale)
Merc. ore 12-14, Aula Nuova Buonaiuti
- Docente: ANDREA Carteny