Phytopatological Biotechnology deals with the most innovative, molecular and -omics aspects of the plant pathology finalized to find sustainable solutions to challenge plant pathogens hence reducing pesticides and fungicides. The course programme gathers these aspects in 5 main pillars:
the genetic and molecular biology of viroidal, viral and microbial pathogens
the genetic and molecular biology of viroidal, viral and microbial pathogens
the basis of the plant-microbe interactions at molecular level: recognition,
modulation of defences, modulation of virulence factors
the basis of the plant-microbe interactions at molecular level: recognition,
modulation of defences, modulation of virulence factors
deep into the concept of suppressive soil, beneficial microbiota and integrated
disease management
deep into the concept of suppressive soil, beneficial microbiota and integrated
disease management
tools for genetic improvement of crops in the challenge against pathogens: from
basic GMO to genome editing
tools for genetic improvement of crops in the challenge against pathogens: from
basic GMO to genome editing
and portable tools for pathogens’ diagnosis at field level
and portable tools for pathogens’ diagnosis at field level
- Teacher: MARZIA Beccaccioli
- Teacher: MASSIMO Reverberi