This is a one-semester second-year lettorato course meeting on Tuesdays (14-16) and Thursdays (12-14).

It has a split personality, as does the final exam. On the one hand, we will be completing Voices Upper Intermediate used in your first year, doing units 9 and 10. We will do the first two units of Voices Advanced, though there's no need to buy it, really. I'll put the material in the class files which you should look at every week, if you can't come to the class., 

But on the first day, tomorrow, Feb 27th, and after every unit we complete, we will do an amusing and usually very popular translation workshop, with links in the class files to padlets where you can put up your own work if you can't come that day and do the translations with your fellow students. To give you an idea of the schedule, this week we'll start U. 9 on Thursday, so the next translation workshop will be on Tuesday, March 12th.

The exam (written only) reflects this arrangement, with a first multiple-choice part devoted to the grammar and vocabulary in the four units, though it is skill-based, offering similar exercises  to the ones in the book. The second part is a brief translation from English to Italian. PLEASE NOTE: if you are not an Italian speaker, you can write a composition in English about the challenges of translating the passage into your own language.

About those certificates: if you possess a Cambridge or IELTs certificate at a C1 level or a B2 level (but this one needs to have been taken in the previous two years), you can SKIP the first part of the exam but MUST do the translation part.

You will be given a mark between 26 and 30 for the first part you didn't do, depending on the certificate (C1 gives you 30, while B2 could be 26 (Grade C on certificate) or 28 (Grade B)  or 30, Grade A), depending on your mark on the certificate). Then you'll have a mark from me on your translation, and finally the docente will give you a mark that also includes these two.

Please sign up for the course  on the elearning platform! You will find your marks here starting with the June exams, the class files as well, and will receive my emails with any info about the course or exams.